Chapter 18

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Kong's POV

I was watching P'Arthit through hooded eyes as he puttered around our table to grab me multiple dishes. I am not sure what was going on with him, or with Jes for that matter. Jes had apparently started training P'Arthit to control his visions, but somehow it required him to be joined at my hip. P'Arthit had made sure to not leave me alone for the past few days, and what was more he was even attempting to be pleasant towards me. I say attempted mainly cause I could see how hard he tried to not let his fake smile get replaced by a badly hidden scowl. Honestly, it was hilarious watching him grind his teeth in frustration while he ran around on my beck and call. I wonder what this weird training style is, but knowing Jes it was sure to be nothing ordinary.

"P'Arthit can you help me take the chilies out from my rice"


"Chilies. Can you take them out?" I saw his fake smile instantly vanish as he growled at me.

"Do it yourself"

"Can't. I am allergic to them."

"What? Why did you order rice with extra chilies then?"

"Hmmm, cause it will be extra fun watching you remove them."

"Are you an idiot? What if I leave one in by mistake?"

"Then I really hope you like the hospital cafeteria food, cause we will be there for a while."

I heard him grumble under his breath as he carefully started separating the rice grains in order to not miss any. After 15 minutes of careful inspection he finally pushed the plate towards me again and was about to take the first bite of his lunch when I beckoned the waiter.

"Can I get chicken soup please, I don't feel like eating rice today. Oh, and no chilies. I am allergic."

I had to bite down hard on my cheek so as to not break out in a smile as I watched P'Arthit's mouth drop open at my order. I am sure if I flashed my teeth right now he was going to dump his lunch on my head.

I heard him grumble something about a jerk before he forced his head down and started shoveling food in his mouth. Well, I had promised Jes I would help P'Arthit in his training, but I had said nothing about making it easy for him.

I was going through a few different pranks I intended to pull on P'Arthit in my head as he cleared his throat to get my attention.

" Jes met you 10 years ago?"


"Did he adopt you?"


"Then what about your parents?"

"Alive and kicking"

"But you live with Jes?"


"Do you meet your parents often then?"


"Where are they?"

"P'Arthit, I love you too"


"Aren't you proposing to me?"


"Don't you want to know where they are to meet them for permission?"

" ....I ....just..."

"Then stay the fuck out of my life."


He snapped his head back down to stare at his plate and I could see his face turning red with embarrassment. Maybe I was a little too harsh on him. Honestly it wasn't even a very intrusive question, but I was so insecure when it came to my parents. And for some reason with P'Arthit all my reactions were always heightened. I should probably let me grudge from the hazing days go. If he was the new oracle, and by the looks of it he was, I would probably spend a healthy part of my future working for him. For both our sanities it might be a good idea to begin a truce. He was already attempting to be civil, however fake his smiles were, maybe I should extend a friendly hand too.

"Uh..Kongpop, I am going to go settle the bill. Do you want anything else?"



"You can call me Kong. And no I am good. Thanks for treating me to lunch."

Boy, was P'Arthit expressive. I saw his face freeze in shock before it transformed again as a huge smile flashed across it. Wait, were those dimples? Apparently he has never smiled at me before cause I would have definitely not missed that. He finally realized how silly he looked grinning down at me, when he physically shook his head to replace it with a scowl again.

We had just left the restaurant when it suddenly started pouring hard and we were completely unprepared. I was about to make a run for it when I turned to see P'Arthit lost in thoughts once again not paying attention to his surroundings. I cursed under my breath before I reached out and grabbed his hand to start running towards our dorm building together.

When we finally reached we were almost completely drenched but I was surprised to see P'Arthit actually laughing quite hard. I don't think I have ever seen him be carefree before. It suited him. If I hadn't vowed to dislike him, I might have even admitted how good he looked right now.

"Wow, I haven't run through the rain like this in so long. Don't you just love it?"

His grin was so wide it transformed his face. I was almost captivated by his dimples again, but I had other things occupying my thoughts right now. I looked down to our joined hands to see that P'Arthit had laced his fingers through mine and was rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand excitedly. I cocked an eyebrow at him while I looked at our hands pointedly. His laughter immediately ceased as he extracted his hand away and mumbled a sorry. He was completely pink in the face as he awkwardly began power walking towards his room. interesting. Not being at each other's throat was one thing, but I really hope P'Arthit didn't have any other thoughts about us. Cause I would hate to break it to him, but I was probably not going to be attracted to him in a million years    

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