Chapter 26

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Arthit's POV

I am the biggest fucking idiot that ever walked the face of this earth. How many times had I sworn to myself that I wouldn't let the dreams about Kong come true. I literally had just one thing to do. One freaking thing. Not sleep with Kong. And what do I end up doing. Fucking sleeping with Kong. What does this really say about my self-control. He didn't even have to make any moves on me and I was practically begging for it. Uggh! Kong was probably enjoying my very apparent breakdown without realizing how bad this situation was.

How in the heaven's name do I stop Kong from getting hurt now when I couldn't even avoid the one thing that was completely in my hands. I wish I could blame last night on the alcohol but I had barely had anything to drink since Lila managed to steal away all my drinks. I don't even know what happened. One minute I was yelling at Kong for completely ignoring me all the way from the club, the next minute Kong had me pressed against the elevator wall devouring my mouth. Maybe I was torn between the reality and the dream world. Or maybe I was very aware that I was awake but I was just so tired of constantly fighting my feelings that I decided to take all the pleasure that moment could give me, however fleeting it may be.

So I kissed him back. Because at that moment that is exactly what I wanted to do. In fact at that moment that was the only thing I wanted to do. And when he walked me to my room without once releasing me from the never ending passionate kiss, I let him. When he stripped my clothes, I encouraged him. And when he finally asked if I was ready, I joined him. Exactly like a colossal idiot.

I needed to think. I needed to clear my mind. Staying so close to Kong constantly had completely muddled my brains. And more important than anything else I needed to figure out how exactly was Lila involved with Kong's deadly fate. I couldn't very well go to Jes. Firstly, I was sure I would get teased much worse than Kong would ever dare which would then be followed by a humongous 'I told you so'. Right now I was totally not in the mood to deal with Jes. And I couldn't bear the thought of waiting around for Kong as he returned with our lunch. Getting away from him, atleast until I knew what I should do next was the only thought that made sense to me right now. So I scribbled a note letting Kong know I was going to be out for a while and headed to the only place I knew I would find any answers.

It took me less than 20 minutes to get to Lila's house. And as much as I didn't trust Lila around Kong currently I wasn't completely heartless. She was probably dying of a hangover right now from the amount of alcohol she had consumed last night. I stopped by the store to pick up a few soothing drinks and lunch to take over to her place. Getting on her good side couldn't really hurt right?

I knocked on her door and waited for her to answer but after a few minutes on continuous knocking I decided to give her a call. Either she was still fast asleep, which was odd since it was well past lunch time, or she was not at home. I hadn't wanted to call her before coming since I was sure she would have informed Kong immediately, which would have pretty much defeated the purpose of trying to get away from him.

Although after a few rings I pressed my ear closer to her front door. I could definitely hear her phone ringing from within the room. I guess she was asleep after all. I decided to leave the bags by the door and leave her a text message instead. I had just started typing when I heard a loud crash from within. I started knocking on her door loudly again hoping this time to get her to answer.

"Lila! Lila are you there? It's me, Arthit. Open the door. Are you alright?"

All sounds from within the room completely halted. My hand paused mid-air just before it connected with the door again. Suddenly, I felt fear replace the worry I felt for Lila. Perhaps coming here alone wasn't such a great idea after all. Maybe I should turn around and leave. Call Krit and tell him that something was off. But Lila was probably still inside. I couldn't just leave her. I needed to atleast make sure she was OK.

I didn't have to wait too long to see the cause of the loud crash as the door swung open and I saw two men I didn't recognize overpowering Lila. One of them had his hand covering her mouth while the other was tying her hands. I looked over at the person who was currently holding the door open and he gave me a wide rotten toothed grin.

"Hello, Arthit. It's good to finally meet you."

I started taking small steps backwards. I needed to go find help. This was not a fight I was going to win alone. I didn't get too far though. Only a couple of steps later my back pressed against something hard. Before I had the chance to turn around to investigate this new obstacle,I felt a prick on my arm and a large rag being shoved on my face from behind me. I immediately started struggling but somehow they had also managed to restrain my arms. Infact the more I struggled the lesser I could focus. I didn't even recognize who these men were but I could very well guess why they would want me. After a few minutes of fruitless attempts I finally started feeling my mind shutting down. I really don't think this is what I had in mind when I wanted to get away from Kong.    

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