Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

"So....Paul, are they coming?" I asked. I forgot to ask him before about it because I was to caught up with the meetings and other stuff.

"No." Paul replied.

"WHAT?!?! I thought that she can't say no?" I asked, WHAT? I thought that there's no backing out.

"Actually, her friend will come here today, but Brianna, might come later. I'm not sure." he said.

"What's up with that girl?" I mumbled.

"What?" Pauly asked.

"Nothing." I said.

What's up her? Is she shy? Or maybe she has to go say good bye to her...... family? friends?........... boyfriend?


After 3 hours of doing absolutely nothing with the lads, I watched the clock. I can't wait to see her again, I hope she decided to go with her best friend.


"I'll get it!" Louis shouted.

"Do you think it's the trainees?" Zayn asked.

"I hope so. I've been waiting for 3 hours." I said.

"You? So you're the only one here?" Liam asked sarcasticly.

"Sorry, I mean US." I said.

"Now you're talking." Liam said.

"Hey guys." Louis said as he flopped on the couch.

"Hey. SO whow as at the door?" I asked.

"I don't know." he replied.

"I thought you were the one who answered it?" Niall asked.

"Well, I was about to grab the door knob, then Paul stopped me." he explained.

"Hey lads." Paul said to us.

"Hey Paul!" we said in unison

"So Paul............. who was at the door?" I asked.

"Harry, keep on asking about the person or persons at the door. What gives?" Niall asked me.

"It's just....." I trailed off.

"just...?" he repeated.


"Okay, I think I can answer that." Paul said. THANK YOU!

"I think that you guys, will be so happy to know that our trainees are here!" Paul said.

"FINALLY!" I said with an "ugh" tone.

"I would like you to meet, Kaylie Kutcher." Paul started.

"Hi, nice to meet you all." Kaylie said. 

She has blonde hair, and was tall. She was fit, but not to much. She has a very thick American accent, and has a very sweet voice in there too. Just the girl that I was looking for. But, I have my mind set on one girl for today, and that's my best friend, but I keep on saying tol my head that she's just your best friend and nothing more. 

"And, Brianna Hunderson." Paul said.

"Hi nice to meet you too." she said.

She was still stunning, as always. She has dark brown hair, and i could still remember her brown hazel nut eyes. She still has a British accent, but a little of American too. She changed the way she dressed. I understand anyways, because she's like in college, and there are a lot of boys drooling over her.

"Hey girls!" the 4 boys said.

They smile sweetly to us.

I stood up and ran to Bri with my arms wide open.


"Hey Harry." she said.

"I've missed you a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said to her.

"I've missed you too!!!!!!!!!!!!" she mimicked me.

"Guys, the reason why I keep on asking who's at the door a while ago, is because this girl right here is my best friend ever!!" I explained to them.

"Ouch Harry, so I'm not your best friend anymore?" Louis asked, acting hurt.

"It's not that Boo Bear, she was my best friend ever since kinder. And you are my best friend until the end." I said.

"That doesn't even make sense." Brianna said.

"Okay, girls, bring your suitcases up stairs. Just turn right and your room is straight a head.." Paul said

"Okay!" Kaylie said. She's so cute!

"Okie dokie, artie chokie!" Brianna said. She's so cute when she says that.

"I'll help you girls." I offered.

"No need, we can manage." Kaylie said, acting all strong.

"Yeah, we can manage, no need for you to carry the suitcase." Bri said.

"Okay. If you say so." I replied.

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