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However, Qi Lu was not the only who's very jealous right now, there's also Lou Shan who's jealous.

She feels like she need to keep Qi Lu away from that zombie.

"You, what's your name?" Hu Tian asks Andy.

"I..I'm Andy Wang..uhm why are you looking at me like that?" Andy stutters his name and asks the zombie.

"You look like my lover." Hu Tian said bluntly.

Qi Lu abruptly stands up and fiercely glares at Andy. This time his happy mood was certainly shattered.

"W..what?" Andy was taken aback from what Hu Tian said.

"I said you look like my lover." Hu Tian said. He went closer to Andy and holds Andy's hands. He wanted to feel that connection, that spark.

But he felt nothing.

Suddenly his hand was dragged away by someone.

"Qi Lu!" Lou Shan yelled. She was suprise when Qi Lu dragged that zombie.

Qi Lu didn't give her a glance, much more stop. He dragged the zombie to his room.


When they got into the room Qi Lu was looking at him fiercely, they were silent for a minute...

"Are you oblivious to my feelings or you're just deliberately ignoring me!?" Qi Lu said angrily.

The dissapointed Hu Tian because of not feeling that spark to Andy like he had with Yu Yan and Bai Xiao Han was in bad mood. Hearing Qi Lu angry at him, he raises his head and narrowed his eyes at Qi Lu.

"What!? Aren't you going to answer me!?" Qi Lu frustratingly messes his hair.

"No! I don't want to accept your feelings because I know in the end I'd be the one to lose!" Hu Tian angrily snaps back.

"What!? We are not in a war goddammit! Why do you think that you'll lose, we're not in a fucking game!" Qi Lu said angrily.

"Love is war and this time, I don't want to be a soilder." Hu Tian declares and leaves the room.

He'd be the one to lose again. When his lovers will forget about him in their next life, he won't.

He's not oblivious to Qi Lu's feelings for him but this time he doesn't want to take a risk, maybe not in this moment or this life.

He doesn't want to end up miserable.


Hu Tian diverted his attention to the paper he found a while ago. The perfect and right cure for infected people.

He finally found the accurate one and it's easier to concoct.


3 days have pass since that incident.

Qi Lu remained quite while Lou Shan constantly flirted with Qi Lu.

Andy is always sticking to Le Hua.

The new couple who's always sweet at each other.

The I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-you-people Hu Tian, who has almost completed the cure.

Hu Tian continued to ignore Qi Lu who's stealing glances at him.

While everytime Qi Lu stares at Hu Tian, Lou Shan's face distorts in jealousy.

She's a woman. She can smell things like this, things like what Qi Lu felt towards that zombie! Thinking about it, she should've killed that zombie when she had the chance!


"Finally. It's done." Hu Tian mumbled. Everyone is asleep, it's already midnight after all.

What he can he do? He's a zombie, of course he doesn't feel tired or anything.

He looks at the blue liquid inside the glass cointainer. He slowly puts the
injection in the container and draws im the blue liquid inside.

Hu Tian then injected himself.

After sometime he felt nothing, was it a failure?

Suddenly Hu Tian felt dizzy, his vision got blurry and he passed out.


Hu Tian woke up from the intense light directed in his eyes. Ahh what the hell is this person doing? Is he trying to make him blind?

Hu Tian groaned and closed his eyes again,

"He's awake!" He heard Bao Xi's voice and the light disappeared.

Hu Tian slowly opened his eyes again. Remembering how he got in this situation, he immediately looks at his hands.

He stared wide eyed at his glowing skin! He did it! He found the cure!

Completely oblivious to the others who's smiling at him, Hu Tian continued to inspect himself.

"Hu Tian, you scared us." Bao Xi said and pouted.

Looking at Hu Tian now, he really looks different. He has eyebrows that are so damn perfect, his pointy nose, small pouted lips and his porcelain white skin.

Ah, he's so handsome ah.

"How many hours did I pass out?" Hu Tian asks and looks at the people inside the room.

Qi Lu who look so exhausted, Le Hua's and Andy's faces are clearly plastered with concern, Lou Shan who's hatefully gazing at him and Le Chen who doesn't give a fuck.

"What do you mean hours!? You've passed out for 2 days! We literally saw you slowly become a human again! We let Andy look at your condition and you're fine! Your body is now fine!" Bao Xi said while shedding some of tears of joy.

"Alright alright enough with this. It's giving me a headache. Get out of my room for a while." Hu Tian said and shoos the people away.

"Oh. It's Qi Lu's room actually. Let Qi Lu rest. He's the one who's been taking care of your body 24/7 when you were asleep. Look, he has two big eyebags under his eyes." Bao Xi said and shoves Qi Lu towards Hu Tian before closing the door.

Qi Lu tumbled at Hu Tian's body.

"Alright, you can't be possibly flungged by Bao Xi that easily." Hu Tian rolled his eyes at Qi Lu's antics.

Qi Lu raised his head at Hu Tian and pouted. Their faces are so close to each other.

Qi Lu immediately steals a peck on Hu Tian's lips and hugs Hu Tian who's under him, he buries his head in Hu Tian's neck.

Hu Tian was already cleaned by him, he already saw his everything. That time was a torture to Qi Lu.

Hu Tian was frozen from the sudden kiss. He glared at the man who's on top of him.

He wiggled to get away but Qi Lu groaned.

"Let me sleep. I haven't slept for 2 days straight because I was taking care of you." Qi Lu softly mumbled and went back to sleep.

Hu Tian just sighs and let the snoring Qi Lu sleep for a while. After sometime he also went back to sleep.


(I know what you guys are expecting like drama where Qi Lu will blah blah blah Hu Tian will Blah Blah Blah force himself that Andy is his YuYan but I don't want that. I already did a slight damage to your smol hearts at the last arc.)

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