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Now that Hu Tian found the cure, they've decided to get ready for battle. They can't possibly abandon their responsibility. As the Supreme Commander and as Generals, they're suppose to help those people in needs.

Although Lou Shan protested, Qi Lu was firm and so were the others. So Lou Shan reluctantly agreed.

"Okay are you all ready? We'll leave first thing in the morning." Qi Lu said as he looks at them. Hu Tian is missing because he's resting after he tired himself from constantly making the cure.

He nodded when he got the reply he wanted and went inside their room, he's been sharing room with Hu Tian since Hu Tian doesn't have a choice. Lou Shan is a girl so he's naturally paired with him because there are no spare rooms.

Le Hua was with Andy, obviously Le Chen and Bao Xi are sharing a room while Lou Shan is alone.

Qi Lu looks at the sleeping Hu Tian and smiled. He leaned closer and stole a kiss like he always does.

He lies down besides the peaceful Hu Tian who is sleeping.

He hugs the man into his embrace and Hu Tian snuggles closer. Seeing this Qi Lu chuckles and kisses Hu Tian's hair.

"Good night, love." Qi Lu whispered and closed his eyes.


They're currently driving to the base right now.

"We're just going to park this van outside and away from the base so no one will see us coming. We'll disguise ourselves as survivors to swiftly go in without struggle, okay?" Qi Lu instructed seriously.

The others agreed. They're all wearing very old clothes and extremely stinky too. Even Lou Shan can't help but complain, completely putting aside her gentle and kind facade in front of Qi Lu.


When they arrived they immediately changed their aura into those who are clearly just survivors that specifically came to this base for safety and protection.

The guards didn't doubt them, just inspected them for bites and listed their 'names' that they made up.

When Qi Lu heard what Hu Tian's fake name was he was shocked.

Zang Yuan...

That name is too familiar.

But he brushed it off because it's not time to think about these things.

"So, how do we find Pak Shet?" Bao Xi asks.

"You're going to stay here." Le Chen said seriously.

"Ah! No fair." Bao Xi protested. He doesn't want to!

"No. Listen to me baby, It's going to be dangerous out there. I plan to just let you stay here with the survivors and try to mingle with them, okay? So you can be a look out for the military men who will...ah...who will...take the girls forcefully BUT don't go near them!" Le Chen makes up some lies so Bao Xi will just stay out.

"Is that an important job?" Bao Xi asks his boyfriend.

Le Chen fakes a cough before answering.

"Yes. It's very important. Now go. I love you. I'll pick you up later, okay?" Le Chen said and kisses Bao Xi's lips before leaving Bao Xi with the survivors.

Bao Xi's face was deeply covered and disguised. No one will ever think that he's such an adorable little man.

When Le Chen went back to the group they were blankly looking Le Chen.

"Your lies are terribly bad, good thing Bao Xi is your boyfriend who's gullible and stupid." Hu Tian said and rolled his eyes.

Le Chen just keeps his mouth shut as they continue walking to their destination. They meet some soilders in the way there and were reprimanded not to go closer.

But Qi Lu just hit their neck and they fainted.

They sneakily went inside the big house that Pak Shet and Pak Yu were residing in.

They immediately put the guards to rest and find Pak Shet and Pak Yu's room.

It was not hard to find, since it was where the cries of a girl and a moans of a guy could be heard from.

It looks like that monster is raping someone.

Hu Tian immediately opened the door. Suddenly someone shot towards his direction, catching him off guard.

He almost got shot in the head! Damn!

Immediately Le Chen fires back at the direction of the shooter and the shooter fell down while Le Hua was aiming his gun at the shocked Pak Shet while the girl he's raping cried and begged them not to kill her. Saying that she was innocent.

"It's Pak Yu." Andy said as he looks at the dead man Le Chen shot.

Qi Lu immediately hugs Hu Tian. His soul almost flew out of his body from fright a while ago. He felt so helpless just a second ago. So scared, he thought that he'll lose him.

He hugs the man tighter, afraid at the thought of him losing Hu Tian.

Hu Tian feels that familiar warmth, the same warmth that was only given by Bai Xiao Han and Yu Yan, his past lovers. The same warm hug, the same affection, the same love.

And that's when Hu Tian realized that his lover from the first world until this world was always with him, Bai Xiao Han, Yu Yan and Qi Lu. They're the same soul. He can't be mistaken. Bai Xiao Han and Yu Yan's attitude were the same as Qi Lu.

Hu Tian hugs Qi Lu back. He sobs as he hugs him back. Finally he has found him again. Qi Lu was shocked that Hu Tian hugged him back but nevertheless he was very happy.

Watching this scene, Lou Shan was enrage! She's the one who's chasing him since she they were young! He should've fall in love with her! She followed him to the military just to be with him, he should've... should've...

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" Lou Shan yelled crazily and took out a knife as she runs crazily towards Hu Tian and Qi Lu.

Qi Lu immediately turns his body to shield Hu Tian, who was still crying and didn't realize the incoming danger.

Qi Lu fell down on his knees.

"Q...Qi Lu.." Lou Shan shivered and let go of the bloody knife she's holding as she gains her rationality again.

Hu Tian looks at the bloody Qi Lu, dumbfounded. No tears were coming out of his eyes, just staring at Qi Lu lifelessly. 

Did he find him again just to lose him so quickly?


Andy shot Lou Shan in the head.

"Filthy monster." Andy spats angrily.


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