I know that some of you are in this sick WORD right now. You're sad and depress and probably having the roughest time of your whole existence of life.
I just want to let you know that you're NOT worthless, useless, not good enough or even stupid just because you can't meet their expectations from you.
Your FAMILY they often tell you that if you're sad just think of your family and then it makes you happy. No, majority of the cause of depression we have in our generation is from FAMILY and SCHOOL pressure, expectations on your grades, they want you to be the perfect son/daughter/sister/brother/friend.
But have you ever thought of yourself? Do YOU have your OWN expectation for yourself? Why are you indulging yourself in making the people around you happy while you, yourself is cutting yourself into pieces, scratching your skin and bones to make them happy and then there's you, crying silently because you're not who you really wanted to be.
STOP IT. Live your life don't let them have your wheel, this is your life DRIVE IT ON YOUR OWN. You are the best, you're the epitome of perfect just the way you are. Don't let madness control you.
They always COMPARE you to everyone just because they are better than you in one or two aspect.
But don't let that get into you, you're beautiful and perfect in your own way, you're negativity in life doesn't help you at all, don't call a problem a problem call it a CHALLENGE.
Don't let their comparing ever get into your heart because you know in the depths of your heart, there's always something you're good at that they're not.
You're perfect, beautiful, gorgeous and someone else's world. You're a God's child, or if you're an atheist you're someone else's treasure.
“We accept the love;we think we deserve”
I am not writing or posting this to let you guys think that I'm a person who has a positive mind but rather a suicidal person who tells another suicidal person to hold on and in times of tough life don't give up.
The main reason I'm writing this is because of my classmate who broke down in front of me. He started crying and told me that he's so sad, he wanted to die, he wanted to die but unable to do so because his faith in God is much much more superior than the action of killing himself. He was depressed because his FAMILY wants him to have a grade that is 90 above, imagine the pressure, the expectations, the comparing and the loneliness he has to go through and we always view him as the most positive person in our batch. He laughs like, jokes like crazy but he was hiding his pain inside until he couldn't take it any longer. They always compare him to his brother who's studying in a school where fast learners go to.
Also, don't judge someone just because you think their challenge is simple than yours. Always remember your tolerance over something doesn't always mean it applies to EVERYONE.
If you want to open up, you can comment your problem and some of us (readers and me) will help you. Don't worry you're anonymous no one will know your identity.
Depression is always the reason of youths death in our country and it's making me sad than not being able to update for 3 weeks.

You, Me and The Universe
AdventureLin Xiao unfortunately died by accident and was bound with the system. The wishes are simple, the rules are simple, the host is simple. He's a simple man so why would the golden thigh cling to him like a leech? ----- By: CLEO M. (A/N: A big credit...