Chapter 18

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Taylor's POV

We finally took our baby for the first time. I sat on the couch in the living room with baby Harold in my arms.

   It's kinda weird when I call someone else the name I and other people usually call Harry. But they're both my babies, so I don't really mind.

I carefully sway my arms as I sit down so that I won't be waking him up. Harry carried our bags in the other side of the living room and sat beside me.

"I can't believe we'll be raising a human being that's 50 percent you and 50 percent me." He smiled as he kissed Harold's forehead then mine's.

"I can't believe that I'll be living with two Harolds 'til eternity". I said, letting out a laugh as he did as well.

"I love you" he said with a smile.

"I love you too" I replied returning a smile.

For the next 10 minutes, we're just staring at Harold with the brightest smiles in our face.

But it was interrupted as we heard shuffling from upstairs. We looked at each other as if saying what the hell is going on. I tilted my neck as to say that he should check it. Harry carefully went upstairs and grabbed a baseball bat from a drawer in our bedroom that my dad gave to me as I moved here.

As Harry is carefully tiptoeing to a little storage room where we heard some shuffling, I put Harold in the crib in the nursery room near our bedroom then followed Harry. As we went near the room, we heard some "Shhhhh" from whoever is in there.

So it's probably 2 or more people who sneaked in our house. Then 3 different voices started shushing a person.

Harry's other hand is about to turn the doorknob while the other hand is aimed to attack with a baseball bat as I stand behind him.




Harry opened the door and is about to hit someone with a bat. But then it revealed a Niall Horan who is about to go out through the window, a Zayn Malik who was a support as Niall was about go out through the window, a Liam Payne who is keeping everyone not to make noises, and a Louis Tomlinson quietly laughing at Zayn and Niall as if saying that their plan won't work.

As soon as they felt the door open, they all looked at us, Niall jumped back to the floor and all of them stood properly and smiled innocently at us.

Harry face palmed. "What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing. In. Our. House?" He said calmy but looks so disappointed.

"Uh look mate, we just want to, you know, visit the babyyyy." Liam said with those puppy eyes with the others who had innocent smiles at us.

"You've been carrying our baby for the past two days! You won't even let the nurse check the baby for a sec! I thought you had your own kid?!" Harry said, who looks more and more disappointed as each second passes by.

Okay, I know One Direction for a very long time, but I didn't know these guys has obsession with babies. I could barely imagine how clingy they are to baby Freddie and to baby Bear.

Before Harry could give one solid punch to four innocent- looking guys, Harold started crying. And before I could even step out in the scene to the nursery room, the four boys were already in front of the crib where my baby is.

I was about to follow them, then Harry suddenly pulled me by my wrist. "Love, why don't we go downstairs? They got this" he said laughing. I nodded and let out a laugh. I mean, there are two dads plus two other guys calming my baby, so what's to worry about? Haha.

We sat down the couch and Harry wrapped one arm around my shoulder. Harry turned to me with a serious look in his face "Tell me the truth. Is Harold really my son or is it one of the guys up there that owns him?" Harry said bursting a laugh and I gave him a playful eye roll with a laugh afterwards.

"Oh! Is it a foursome? Oh god Taylor." He said with a shocked expression on his face. I punched his shoulder playfully and frowned "That's just disgusting! You have a nasty mind Styles!". I said with a laugh.

The crying of our baby finally went to an end. Then Louis went downstairs with Harold in his arms followed by the other boys.

"Good Morning Harold 2.0! It's your ever handsome and cool Uncle Louis!" Louis said cheefully.

"Call him Uncle Boo Bear!" Liam said, causing the other boys to laugh.

"Oh shut up, Uncle Leeroy!" Louis said with a smirk.

Then they all sat down on the empty couch facing the right beside where Harry and I  is sitting down.

Louis continued entertaining Harold still in his arms, while our baby letting out soft and almost inaudible giggles, causing me to laugh in awe. The other boys were smiling and entertaining the baby as well.

"So when are you guys leaving?" Harry said with annoyance.

"Oh c'mon Hazz! Can we stay for a week???? Pleaseeeee". Zayn said, with those puppy eyes.

"Look! You're baby likes us! Right little Harold?" Louis said, smiling at our baby.

"How 'bout your stuff? Who will bring it here?" Harry obviously finding way for the lads to leave.

"Oh it's right upstairs. We brought it with us!" Niall said excitingly, knowing Harry can't resist them.

"Sure! You can stay here as long as you want!" I said cheerfully. Then they all had eyes on me as if they just saw a ghost.

"We can?!" The four boys asked with excitement.

"They can??" Harry asked, with a confused and disappointed look in his face.

"Of course! We won't have four guestrooms for no reason right? Plus, they're your friends babe. What could possibly go wrong? I said.

"Everything" Harry mumbled.

"Oh love, give them a chance." I said as I stood up and pushed his hair backwards and left a kiss on his forehead.

"So, I'll get your stuff. You can all have a guest room each to yourselves." I said.

"Thank you so much Taylor! Harry is one lucky guy". Zayn said but still has his attention on Harold which Louis passed to Niall, teaching him how to hold a baby. Harry on the other hand, gave them an eyeroll but soon joined them on what they're doing.

I went upstairs and got the guys' bags and placed each in four separate guest rooms. Then I proceeded to fixing Niall's stuff first, knowing that this guy is probably the most hygienic among them.


Another update y'all! Thank you so much for 500+ reads!❤ Still hoping this would reach at least 1k💕 Thank you so much!

This is probably the fastest I updated😂
Sorry for some typos✌ But thanks for the support💕


All the love! M.

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