"Sorry, What Babe?"~Blossick

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Remember this one-shot?


Author POV
Blossom and Brick were finally dating for weeks now. They were walking down the sidewalk in silence, until Blossom decided to talk to him.

She was talking about different things like school, family or just about friends. But in other hand Brick wasn't listening to anything she was talking about, He was listening to his music with his earplugs.

"You know Brick I been thinki-" After a few minutes of talking Blossom notice Brick wasn't even listening to her from the start. Blossom felt a bit angry but mostly hurt by him. She started to repeat his name over and over but Brick would keep on listening to his music, not realizing she was calling for him.

"Brick!" Blossom yelled while shaking him so he would now pay attention to her

Brick took of one of his ear plugs off his ear and look right into her eyes with a smirk plastered on his face. "Sorry, what babe?"

Blossom crossed her arms on her chest and pouted looking away with a blush appearing on her cheeks. The world 'Babe' just escaping his lips made her heart flutter. It was the first time he would called her that other than Pinky. It felt new to her.

A frown soon appeared on Blossoms lips and her eyes began to show she is upset. Both her arms drop from her chest down to down to her sides and she nervously stared at him.

Brick furrowed his eyebrows in confusion from her strange change of look.

"Brick I was trying to tell you that I been thinking lately that we should ..Um ... break up."

Brick's eyes widen and felt something hit him in his chest. 'Break up? Why?' He thought. But now looking back to the reason that could lead up to it, Brick understands her why, but he still lets her talk.

"You don't listen to me and don't pay much attention to what I say. You just ignore me or try to hide from me. Every time I try to hug you or even hold your hand, you look at me like you don't want me around. I understand you might not be ready for kissing and other stuff, but you don't need to ignore me or push me away." Blossom told him.

"I'm having the feeling that you don't even care about us ... or whatever we are. I think it's best if we just stay as friends and break up"

Brick looked at her with serious expression. He didn't feel so good. He didn't know what to say or tell her.

"I just don't see us being together anymore. You don't even try to do something nice for me or try to cheer me up, you just keep pushing me away." Blossom clears her throat from how dry it is. " Also ... I meet someone new"

Brick clenched his fist and gritted his teeth from anger. He felt triggered who was the new guy she meet that made her dump him.

"Dexter ... Uh.. He thought maybe we should go out some time as friends and I told him I'll think about it since you don't like him." Blossom said trying not to make eye-contact with him.

"Maybe a puff and ruff actually don't mix together"

Brick felt like punching a building by now. She didn't know how much anger he was trying to hold in right now. He wasn't angry at her, definitely not. He was angry at himself and how much he messed up and how he could let somebody else make her happier.

He wasn't a good boyfriend.

"I'm guessing you're pretty happy about this since you never really like me" Blossom said giving him a weak smile trying to hide in her pain.

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