"I've got you"~ Boomubbles

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A small detail about this one-shot is that Bubbles is a Junior in High school and Boomer a senior and Taka-Chan is a freshman (Because he didn't pass to go to Sophomore year)


Author POV:

Bubbles is numb.

It's been weeks, and still, she can't seem to get over Taka-Chan. Taka-Chan who flirts with girls constantly and smiles and doesn't seem to be affected by Bubble's tears, and who is alive. Bubbles feels like her insides have all stopped working at once and her soul left stuck inside a body of mush , nothing left to relieve it. Nothing left to make Bubbles smile.

Boomer Jojo. The quiet shy senior that sometimes hangs out with Blitz when he's not listening to music alone in the courtyard or smoking a cigarette with Butch, who goes to the other large high school in Townsville when he's bored.

Boomer is nice.. sorta. Blaine and Buttercup seems to find him hilarious, though Bubbles has no idea if he's joking or is actually mean all the time. Still, Boomer isn't bad looking at all.

Blossom always tells her the best thing to do is find a replacement guy in her head for Taka-chan. Bubbles doesn't quite believe the idea's effectiveness. Plus, she doesn't like the idea of using an innocent guy to get over Taka-Chan. It's not the way Bubbles is.

"Hey Bubbles, I got you some ice cream. I know you like this kind." Buttercup sets a plastic pot of cookies and cream ice cream in front of Bubbles as well as a spoon. She sits down beside Bubbles shortly after.

Buttercup has a full plate, piled with a plain hamburgers, mountain of ketchup packets, two fruits cups, a bag of barbecue chips, some broccoli, and French fries. Bubbles briefly wonders how Buttercup can be so fit and still put tons of food in her body, three meals a day, at least one snack, and dessert. Then again, Buttercup plays  in a soccer team, so it makes sense that she works it all off.

"Stop thinking about Taka-Chan." Blossom says, making a face at Bubbles. Boomer stands behind Blossom and Brick for a moment, hesitating what looks like just about a million times before sitting down beside Brick. They are across Bubbles and Buttercup. "Boomer, Hey." Blossom smiles, pushing over a thermos full of smells like black coffee and one jelly donut, of which she seems to bring to Boomer all the time.

That's all Bubbles ever sees Boomer drink or eat.

Bubbles wonders why Boomer can't get his own coffee, and why Blossom would baby him like she would baby Bubbles when she's sad. All she ever seems to do is wonder about Boomer, who is nothing short of a mystery.

Bubbles decides to speak around her ice cream, which she has happily dug into , something she wouldn't normally do. Her sisters and friends know how hard it is for her lately to keep up conversation or speak about the little things, so they've been relying on keeping her company to make her feel better.

"Hey Boomer," Bubbles says with a small smile. Bubbles sees Buttercup look at her with such an incredulous look anyone would think she's gone insane.

"And you don't bother saying hey to us. Great friend, really." Blossom rolls her eyes, stabbing her salad with mostly fake anger to mimic Buttercup's expression of obvious emotion.

"Yeah, what's so special about him!" Buttercup whines around a mouthful of burger.

"Gross," Boomer says, making a face at Buttercup, assaulting Buttercup's face with one of Blossom's fries. Buttercup screeches, wiping grease off her cheek. Boomer looks over at Bubbles, winking over the large thermos of coffee. If that wasn't enough to make Bubbles blush, the sound of his friends joyous whoops and laughs were enough to make Bubbles want to sink into the sticky cafeteria ground and burrow herself forever.

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