Valentines Day~ Butchercup [Part 1]

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Author POV:

"Ugh I hate valentines day." Buttercup groan, "Come on Buttercup it isn't that bad." Bubbles said, with a small smile. "Ha! Says the girl who gets 50 cards and 10 bouquet of flowers for valentines! Or even gets asked out non-stop!" Buttercup said, crossing her arms on top of her chest.

Bubbles scoffed, "I may get many cards, bouquets, and ask out a lot but my eyes only belong to only one guy, unfortunately he doesn't for me." Bubbles muttered the last part, feeling annoyed the guy she only likes doesn't like her back.

"So what? At least you don't have to experience a day of being single and lonely." Buttercup walk down the halls with her sisters, tightly gripping on her black Nike backpack with a frown on her lips. "I thought you didn't want to date?" Blossom asked.

"I don't. But getting at least a card would be nice, or a flower." Buttercup said, "And when is your bad-tempered boyfriend going to come?" Buttercup asks, surprised her older sister isn't holding any flowers or chocolate boxes from her boyfriend.

Blossom gave her sister a glare, "I don't know? Soon maybe, he's probably coming late to school for sleeping in late or with his group of friends." Blossom said, her voice sounding a bit down.

"He's probably planning the proposal..." Buttercup muttered teasingly, looking away so his older sister won't look at her face.

"I heard that Buttercup." Blossom said, Buttercup chuckle and punched her sisters arm. "Chill sis, he's probably on his way." Buttercup said.

"You guys are lucky though, both of you guys got valentines." Buttercup said, "I wish I had one..."

"Cheer up Buttercup! You never know what could happen today, maybe today will be your lucky day" Bubbles said, with a bright smile, trying to cheer up her sister.

The girls stopped at their locker, Buttercup being the first to open her locker by just one hard kick.

"What the-" Buttercup's eyes widen as a bouquet of yellow buttercup's fell out of her locker with a green card.

"Oh my gosh Buttercup! You got a valentines!" Bubbles squealed and rushed to Buttercup to shake her non-stop from being overly excited. "Stop shaking me!" Buttercup yelled, Bubbles let out a nervous laugh and apologized.

"What does the card say?" Blossom asked, still in the same spot she was standing. "Let me open it up."

\Dear Buttercup,

I love you more than Kanye loves Kanye \

"What the actual fuck?" Buttercup says at loud. "Who the hell did this?" Buttercup look all around the card but found no name.

"Buttercup... I think I know who it is." Bubbles whispered.

Buttercup turned around seeing Bubbles holding a medium size plushie. The plushie had dark green eyes and a black spiky looking hair style with a simple dark green shirt and black pants. It was adorable the plushie but Buttercup was pissed off.

Buttercup snatched the plushie away from Bubbles hand and strangle it with anger. "That asshole." Buttercup whispered as she glared at the plushie in her hand.

"Jeeze, don't hurt the doll, it's not their fault they're being given to you." Blossom muttered. Buttercup rolled her eyes and threw the valentine stuff inside her locker along with the card, not caring if it got damaged.

Two hours later of being in hell-School, I mean High school. Buttercup decided it would be a perfect way to punch Butch in the face when lunch begins. Butch would always stay at his locker for a few minutes before heading into the cafeteria to sit with the football team. So for her being alone with Butch and no interruptions would be great.

Lunch hour begins and everybody is crowding the halls to get to the cafeteria quickly. Buttercup stays in the hall for everybody to leave and sneaks her way to Butch's locker.

Buttercup goes behind Butch and kicks him in the balls

(A/N: nah nah Jk😂)

Buttercup goes behind Butch and slaps his arm, "HEY! Asshole why the fuck did you gimme those stupid valentines things!" Buttercup yelled, Butch flinched from Buttercup's sudden yell and hitting.

"Hey stop it, stop it! Ow" Butch grabs onto her wrist and gives her a glare, "You didn't need to hit me." Butch said, Buttercup pulls her wrist away from his grip and crosses her arms onto her chest.

"Do you think I give a fuck? Now tell me why you got me those things." Buttercup asked, feeling curious. "I-I uh..Well.." Butch began to stutter nonstop.

"It was to make fun of me right? You did it because I'm a loner in valentines day. But you know what! I don-"

"I did it because I like you Buttercup." Butch whispered, scratching the back of his neck nervously while his face and his collar bone turn to a bright red. "Tsk, yeah right. You always bothering me about my looks and personality plus you always dating slutty bitches." Buttercup said, giving a glare.

Butch rolled his eyes, "Come on Buttercup, do you think I'll buy you those things to make fun of you?"

"Yes!" Buttercup said, right away. Butch pushed his tongue against his cheek from annoyance 'Why do I love this girl?' Butch thought.

"Look, whatever. I already told you how I felt on the card and in person. What else do you want from me? To make a cake out of your face or something? Because for me it would look fucked up on it, Jeeze." Butch said. Buttercup lips trembled. "You really are an asshole Butch." Buttercup said, in a upset tone.

Buttercup turn around and ran off to who knows where, before Butch could grab on to her arm to stop her from running off. Butch didn't know what to do.

Run after her? Or let her go?

Let her go seem an option. Butch stared off to space, putting his hands inside his jean pockets .

"She'll come back, they always do."


I know I'm 9 days late to make a valentines day one-shot but I honestly don't care because I'm in a good mood right now... I'm eating egg rolls :)

Anyways Hope you like it! Please comment and like.❤️


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