Chapter 2

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"Sorry. He."

"The date was a disaster!"

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"The date was a disaster!"

Ophelia rolled her eyes entering the triceratops enclosure with her brother leaning against the fence with his pouting face. Ophelia didn't deem it worthy of her response as instead she chose to focus on the month old Triceratops in front of her.

Of course Owen didn't care if she was paying attention or not. He began complaining regardless with a loud whine of-  "She's insane!"

"Owen. You've been complaining about your date with Claire Dearing ever since you came home from it!"

Then blessed silence.


"She came up with an itinerary! Who does that?"

"She does! Owen, look I love you. But can you shut up. I was there! I saw the disaster you are at dating and how annoying you were and are being right now! You're even annoying the Triceratops!" which was now whining at him as though going on Ophelia's side and telling him to silence. "See? She agrees with me."


"Sorry. He."

Owen stuck his tongue out before nodding.

Ophelia  made a sigh of relief glad at no longer hearing negatively about a woman who she genuinely respected and thought was alright. Sure Ms. Dearing was a little uptight but, next to their aunt calm in comparison.

Ophelia enjoyed the silence she hadn't had the chance to experience since she woke up that morning. With significantly less annoyance across her features she finished giving the Triceratops it's vaccines which it obviously disliked judging by its snorting. She wiped at the area before moving forward and scratching behind its ears watching the triceratops close his eyes in satisfaction.

"She complained about my shorts! We are in a tropical area! She wanted me to wear pants?!"

Ophelia and the triceratops and both groaned at her brothers newfound energy to rant about his date once more. The triceratops let out his series or honks running away from his voice leaving Ophelia sadly staring after the Triceratops run to freedom.

"I mean can you believe this woman Phil?"


"Miss Grady!"

Ophelia let out a whistle to let whoever called her know that she was in the back. She was currently washing not only her hands but her T-shirt free of T-Rex blood although the purple medicine had seemed to permanently stain her fingers.

The Tyrannosaurus had gotten an infected gash in between their toes which Ophelia was tending to to keep from getting worse.

The sound of heels brought her to lift her head to look and see Claire Dearing with a polite smile. Ophelia attempted her own polite smile but judging by Claire's flinch, it was more likely that Ophelia's smile was more of a grimace.

"Hiya Dearie. What's up?" Ophelia asked  in a more peppy tone than normal and Claire immediately relaxed although still shifted awkwardly in her heels.

"I'm guessing your brother told you about our date-"

"Oh God no." Ophelia grimaced hanging her head pleading to the redhead, "Please don't complain to me about your date. Owen wouldn't shut up and it was driving me insane because the both of you are letting the absolute smallest things annoy you and now I'm annoyed! I was at the date so don't you dare tell me I don't know how it was."  She drawled scrubbing the blood off of her hand ferociously. "I would prefer if my work and personal life was kept separate so when I'm with the dinos I'm with them."

Claire blinked a few times at Ophelia's lengthy dramatic speech before carefully speaking, "You're very dedicated to these animals aren't you?"

Ophelia slowed down before inhaling deeply. While normally she was sarcastic and full of sass, much like her brother, this time her face grew solemn. "Of course.... I mean... I may have been a partial experiment with InGen but if it weren't for these Dino's... I wouldn't be here. These dino genes helped me survive past infancy." She shared.

"How would you like to train our newest Asset?" Claire Dearing grinned.

Ophelia should have known what she was getting herself into when  she agreed.


"Oh they're precious." 

Ophelia cooed out seeing the hatchlings. A boy and a girl. The female sniped at the human hand and Ophelia barely managed to remove it in time and wrinkled her nose before growling at the girl dinosaur.

The girl dinosaur almost seemed to narrow her eyes before letting out a small bark and turned waddling away and nuzzling into the straw. A low chirp brought Ophelia's attention to the male who nuzzled into the offered hand instead of snapping.

"You're nicer than your sister aren't you?" Ophelia purred moving her hand to give better affection to the sweet being.

"They're the Indominus Rex. About to be our newest attraction. We need you to train them or at least get them used to human sight."  Claire announced with a partial humor but Ophelia only had eyes on the babies in front of her.

In the seconds it took for her to witness the hatching of both of the Indominus's to have fallen utterly in love with their snowy white scales, their amber eyes and their claws as ebony as the night.

"Do you want to name them?" Dr. Wu grinned well aware that Ophelia would be focused on nothing but the dinosaurs.

"You mean it? I can?" She beamed up at the man responsible for her longitude of life and the reason for her differed genes. He nodded smiling at the girl with kind fatherly eyes. They were twenty years apart and she trusted him as much as she trusted her own father.

Claire Dearing rolled her eyes at Ophelia's blatant display of childishness before lifting an eyebrow in intrigue to witness Ophelia reaching forward using both hands to scratch one dinosaur each.

"I'm gonna call you Hel and you Klaus." And with the playful smirk she giggles "Because something tells me you two are gonna raise hell."

When the female suddenly started emitting sounds that almost mimicked crying both Claire Dearing and Henry Wu we're powerless to stop Ophelia from picking up the newly named Hel. She made it a point to cradle the Indominus and with that she began to sing to Hel allowing its small teeth to nibble on her fingers.

"Hush little baby don't say a word. Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird. I'm gonna watch those teeth go chomp and I'll wipe the blood off your jaw." Ophelia didn't mind allowing Hel to nibble on her fingers. At this small and at this age, Hel and Klaus wouldn't cause too much damage.

She couldn't say much for the future however.

Only God knew how much damage they would cause.


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Any idea on what to call Chapter two?

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