Chapter 6

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"Is there a problem?"

"Yes, of course there's a problem Claire."

"We've been pre-booking for months

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"We've been pre-booking for months. The park needs a new attraction every two years in order to reinvigorate the public's interest. Kinda like the space program. The corporate felt genetic modification would up the wow factor." Claire spoke with a professionalism that at this point was useless to the Grady's.

Ophelia however was fighting the urge to voice and grieve at the idea of being back at the paddock where it had all happened. Where Hel and Klaus have died. 

Owen turned to speak specifically to his sister but at her set jaw and hardened eyes he turned his comment to the more sarcastic factor and scoffed "They're dinosaurs. Wow enough."

"Not according to our focus groups. The Indominus Rex will make us relevant again." Claire notified the pair her shoulders tensing for Ophelia's reaction.

"The what?!"

She sent Ophelia a look reminding her of their contract but Ophelia couldn't give a damn. "Hel?" She hissed at the exact same time Owen repeated the name.

Claire gave an apologetic face which only served to cause more pain at the reconfirmation they hadn't survived, and more rage at how quickly they had replaced their 'failed assets'.  Clearing her throat she explains "We needed something scary and easy to pronounce. You should hear a four year old try to say-" and all one can say was gibberish from her mouth before she entered the room.

"You should hear you try to say it." Owen scoffed  glancing at his sister who was currently trying to repeat the difficult name a few times. Owen rolled his eyes grabbing his little sister pulling her into the room and went on to ask Claire "So what's this thing made of?"

Entering the room, chills ran up Ophelia's spine as she remembered the last time she was in here. Arguing with Claire about her ignorance and how she needs to consider the dinosaurs as much as the money rolling in, if she plans on not repeating the previous park's mistakes. "-e base genome is a T-Rex and the rest is classified." Claire's voice brought Ophelia to lift her gaze and narrow her eyes while Claire flinched away.

Of course they wouldn't start over. They probably pulled apart Klaus's and Hel's DNA to create this mockery. Her anger reached the tipping point to an extent a low rumbling echoed throughout the room but Owen smacked the back of Ophelia's head sharply. His action was clear to Ophelia. Chill out. "You made  a new dinosaur but you don't even know what it is?" Owen asked in mockery.

"The lab delivers us finished assets and we reveal them to the public.-"

"Assets?!" Ophelia hissed stepping forward and in Panic Claire hissed into her Walkie.

"Can we drop a steer please?"

This didn't ease any problems as  automatically Owen and Ophelia both saw a problem with such a machine.

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