Chapter 17

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With a terrifying screech Delta and Echo rush forward their jaws open while Blue stayed collapsed on the floor. "Run!!" Owen shouted and I turned making sure everyone ran to the right. Or at least I tried. Anne had run to her left to go take care of Blue.

"We need to get to safety!!" I shouted angrily at Anne and she turned around and held up a stick.

"Fix him!!!!" She yelled at me hitting me with the branch. "Fix him!" She shouted crying and I heard a thunderous step and saw that Hel has seen us and been briefly distracted moving towards us before her attention continued onto the slashing Echo and biting Delta.

There were gunshots going off in the background and to be fair the wound was just the matter of cleaning it and stopping the bleeding. I could fix the wound faster then I could argue with a child beating me with a branch. "Alright! Alright! Just shut up!" I scolded seeing to the gash as best as I could. "I needed something clean to start stem the bleeding. That's the most important step-"

The sound of fabric rustling made me look at Anne to see her taking off her pretty blue skirt and handing it to me. "Mommy always makes me wear shorts under. I'm okay!!" She said pointing to the dinosaur.

What the fuck kid?

I kept going taking care of Blue satisfied when her bleeding stopped and her up as I dove into a building ignoring the sound of shattering glass and collapsing buildings.

I got to get to a first aid kit- BINGO! Gift store they always have them underneath the counter in case of little kids! I jumped over the counter taking little Anne with me to see Claire with her nephews except she held a light flare in her hands. "Watch the kids!" She told me running out and I raised an eyebrow shouting after her.

"I've got a bleeding Dino on my hands you bi-" I shook my head turning to Zach. "Zach you're in charge until I have the wound bandaged." I told him as he leaped back over giving a pointed look to all of them. I quickly ducked under Hel's slashing tail and skidded to a stop scraping my knees as I immediately dressed the wound on Blue. I didn't know how long it would stay but it should do the job long enough to allow it to somewhat scab and heal over.

Thankfully InGen had given them and me a faster healing rate.

Then there was the sound of something frying and I turned and screamed seeing Echo being shriveled up on a grill my mouth forming a sound of grief that was in the middle of human and reptile. "Phil get the hell out of here!!" Owens voice made me realize I had no time to grieve as I watched Hel snap her jaws onto Delta and then launch her far away. The sound of crushing bones filled my ears and another sound escaped me against my will.

I am a vet. I was supposed to patch them up. I was supposed to save my children and instead I was watching them all kill each other. I saw Delta move and fall back down. She was alive!!! With the first aid kit I ran forward and she snapped at me.

"Dammit Delta I'm trying to help!" I ended up screeching and even she seemed taken back at how I seemed to now speak Fluent Raptor. What the actual fucking hell? I don't have time for this!!

I never knew I was that good under pressure because I could see Hel panting in the background recovering her breath and seeming sniffing the dead Echo. Water fell on my hands as I worked before I looked back to see that Hel had gone on the prowl again. Keep going Phil. Keep going. Delta could die of blood loss. Just stem it. Just -

A low growl from far behind me. I didn't even turn around needing to finish Delta as soon as possible. Stem the bleeding. Work quick. Stem the bleeding! I can save her. I can save her.

Delta's breath rattled and I found too much water falling on my hands making me look up before I realized I was crying. Then there was nudging on my hands. "Delta stop! I need to-" I shook my head. Hel had found the others. I could hear it in her growl.

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