(#1 ranking on raptors or at least was anyways
#1 Ranking on Dinosaurs and Indominus)
"You went into the T-Rex's cage?!"
"She had an infection that I needed to fix Owen!"
"Think rationally! You could have died! Doesn't fear help with logic here?!"
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The air was stale and there was Owen. Panicking. Pacing back and forth like a caged animal. He was handling this as much as he could, his dad had yet to arrive but his mom was just outside the room talking with the doctor while his sister was just lying in a hospital bed. Practically lifeless.
He couldn't handle it... at least not all this at once. It was too much. He had to be strong for his parents. As the oldest, as the son it was his duty. But he didn't know how to keep going.
"Mom! Dad!!" Owen came rushing into the room holding his little sister in his arms with wide eyes. "We we're running in the park and she just!" Owen said with tears running down his face as his sister remained quiet with a small scratch across her forehead. "She fell out of the tree and there was a snap and look!"
Ophelia looked up at her mother and father moving her jacket to show a bloody bone that had ripped out of her skin. "It hurts." She said once and only once looking at her parents.
Mr. Grady easily fell to the floor the sight of blood being too much for him to take but Mrs. Grady calmly took her daughter from her son and kissed his forehead. Ophelia peeked over and smiled at Owen. "I'll be okay. I'm with mom."
She was always so strong and calm no matter the situation.
He ran a frustrated hand through his hair standing up leaving his sister, his little sister, his unresponsive sister, to the room watching his dad walk into her room moments later as though sensing his little girl was all alone in the room.
Dad always had a knack for sensing when something was wrong. Although this was probably too much for his dad to handle as well.
"Phil! You won't believe it!" Owen shouted stomping his feet as he entered he kitchen. "Jared came up to me today and-" Owen stopped looking at
Mrs. Grady lifted an eyebrow looking at her son and chuckled. "Owen... your sister hasn't come home from her shift at the pound yet. If you want I can hear what Jared did?" She offered as she continued chopping up the vegetables and putting them into the pot for chicken stew.
"Oh... hi Mom. No I'm waiting for Phil. I sent her the text and everything. That looks great!" As though on cue however the door to the kitchen opened and Ophelia was sweating and smelled slightly like wet dog.
"What did that fucker Jared do?" She asked before she let out a screech as Mrs. Grady began to yell at Ophelia for tracking mud into the house and for cursing.
She was always lending out an ear for her loved ones.
Owen sloshed the water around as he washed not only his hands but his face feeling his beard as he looked over it in the mirror. It was obvious that he was going through a rough time at the moment.