Chapter 12

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Walking in the forest was needless to say downright terrifying. I reckon we could have had a few close moments where we would have been utterly lost but surprisingly Claire knew where we were on the Island Nublar. I suppose that's one good thing about being with a woman who made it her business to know where everything is and the entire history of the park. "This is close to where the Jurassic Park is." She explained looking over where the destroyed helmets were. "I decided to leave it alone for respect." she explained. "My superiors were telling me that it was the wrong decision but-"

"Nice to know you decided to think for yourself for once." I snapped looking at her with a face that said nothing but disgust.

Claire glanced at Owen looking somewhat nervous before she sighed. "I-I'm sorry." Claire murmured looking at me. "I should have listened to you instead of attempting to make a profit. It wasn't fair to you or to the twins. I'm sorry. Will you accept my apology?"  Her red hair was slightly frizzled on the edges and I smiled looking at her.

"Apology accepted." I smiled.

"WHAT?" Owen gasped looking at me and Claire herself looked shocked and disbelieving while Owen had stopped walking completely. "She almost gets you killed and with one apology she's fine. But I take a bite of your waffle and I have to do your laundry for seven months before you think about forgiving me? I listened to Wild Thing by the Dammed on repeat for so long it's still stuck in my head."

Claire looked at me questioningly and I shrugged. "There is a strong possibility I will be eaten today so I see no reason to hold a grudge anymore." Owen opened his mouth to protest once more but at the sound of a loud rumbling engine caused all of us to flinch. What the- "I think we have a strong possibility of seeing your nephews again!" And we all rushed forward to the sound of the car engine.
"This one theirs?" Owen lifted a jacket that didn't seem to be quite a part of the scenery and seemed more new.

"This road goes straight back to the park." Claire explained as she pointed at the dirt road that led... well straight back to the park. I looked over all of the dusty helmets and busted Jeeps. I let out a snort. Of course. When hiding from a  deadly creature the best method is to get the loudest method of transportation out there. Obviously. And on a side note. How the heck did they even get it to work?

"How did they even get one of these things started?" Owen let out an impressed sound and the whole place had a sort of eerie feel. Yet it was familiar, the feeling of what our future would present as Jurassic World was currently following in the footsteps of Jurassic Park. He fiddled with the Jeep at the side as though trying to start it and fiddling with the keys.

"Guys... I think we should move and leave this place now." I murmured nervously as I looked around. "We don't want Hel to track us here and use us as a light snack before she hits the actual park." The last of my words were barely heard as I was silenced by the sound of loud thunderous footsteps.

My body froze and two sets of hands pull me in front of the truck as though to hide and I'm sandwiched between Claire and Owen. Owen leaning over the side of the truck to get the gun when I feel him press into me and I squeeze Claire and Owen's hands tears rolling down my face as I can sense her getting closer and closer. Her muzzle rubs against the jeep causing it to shudder and there was a tremble on my right side and I looked to the side to see Claire with tears streaming down her face as well. Then I felt Owen leave me. And with that I came to the only conclusion that Hel had left as well. Owen crawled back to us the weapon in his hands and Claire released a shaky breath when all of a sudden there was a loud crash above us.

I screamed like a little girl.

I couldn't move and it was as though I was in the enclosure again watching as Klaus jumped forward and was pushed back. "Phil! Let's go!" It took the crashing of the Jeep and Claire's voice for me to realize she was pulling me away from the scene and that I wasn't dead.

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