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This is not story related, but this is my story about what happened in the last week or two.

Alright, so we were supposed to move to Kentucky. And I live in PA..So my mom got the moving truck, all we packed was clothes and personal items.. Which was confusing to me because I had no idea what was going on. As soon as we were done packing we left. I had my Ipad and was about to type, but then my sister got water on it and IT BROKE!! So.. I couldn't type or read:( 

A couple hours later it was dark and we were in Ohio. And then there was a tornado! We had to go to this place and hide out. When it was over and we could go on the road there were a whole bunch of trees. So we were stuck in traffic for 4 HOURS! We turned around and went to a gas station, but they were out of gas! And they gave us wrong directions to another gas station.

So, we were driving for hours again... And I was super tired and pissed. Every town we went to there was no power! So we had to pull over at this 'rest stop' and sleep in the truck.. Which was sooo uncomfortable.

The next morning a cop knocked on the window door and asked if we needed gas. So he gave us gas and we were on our way.

So a couple hours later something bad happened. See, I have severe heart problems and we forgot to bring my medication. So I started breathing real heavy and black out. My mum took me to th hospital and I had to stay over night.

When I woke up ( At like 6 PM) The next day, I could leave immediatly. So this ride had stunk so far so my mom did something SUPER AWESOME!! She took us to Virginia.... AND WE WENT TO NANDOS FOR THE FIRST TIME!! Perri Perri chicken is AMAZAYN!

So we drove around, got gas, then stayed at Hampton Inn (A hotel.) 

When we woke up we got straight back on the road. About 8 pm we got to our destination. But instead, We stayed at a hotel again. idk why... When I woke up my mom said; "We're moving back to Pennsylvania." And I FLIPPED OUT! 

So it took 9 hours to drive back to PA. And what my mom DIDN'T tell me and my sister was that we were moving in with her boyfriend that I DON'T EVEN KNOW! So when we got there he was drunk and I was scared. She sent us up to a guest room and I went to bed.

The next few days were spent moving in my things. I haven't eaten and I only leave my room to go to the gym. So... Yeah. That's my adventure... Oh and his house is super big, Like a mansion. And my room is One Direction themed:) And I have my own huge bathroom.. Thats why I never leave it. Plus I don't like my family:p


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