Chapter 23

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~Jade's P.O.V~

"Where are you going?" Harry asked as I hopped into the kitchen with my lucky jeans, t-shirt, and shoes on.

Back to my house for a bit. I need to grab some new clothes." I lie, grabbing my purse.

"You don't have to, I can go shopping for you later." He offers, wrapping his arm around my waist, allowing me to lean on him for support.

"No it's fine. I don't want you choosing anything I wouldn't approve of either." I giggle.

"Well do you want me to drive you? I don't want you driving with your leg like that." He offers once again. Gosh, he's such a caring boyfriend, and here I am, lying to you.

"Harry, I use my good leg to drive. I'll be fine okay, babe? Stop worrying." I kiss his cheek and hobble over to my crutches.

"Alright. But if you fall, or if you see Mason, I want you to call me okay?" 

"Alright. Rest assure, everything is fine." I lie once again, kissing him on the cheek and heading out the door.

As soon as I got into the car my phone buzzed.

I'm waiting for you. I hope you're alone. Because I am. xoxo -Unknown.

The message sent chills down my spine, though I already know it's Mason.

Once I got to the destination I began to get really scared. But as I walked straight forward, a figure emerged.


"You actually came. I'm impressed." He chuckles, making his way over to me.

"Why the hell do you want me here? You already caused me enough pain." I say, referring to my leg.

"Ooh, yeah. Sorry about that, it was meant for Harry, not you. But I have really bad aim, didn't you know?" He asks with a smirk spread on his face.

"You sure didn't have bad aim whie abusing me." I snap.

"Feisty! Let's not bring up the past. I came to talk about the future." 

"And I came so noone else gets hurt!" I say defendatly.

"Ouch. About that... Here's the deal; you have exactly one week to choose. And by choose I mean, choose me, go to the US, and live happily ever after. Or... Choose Harry and get each of them killed one by one. Your uncle, then Liam, then Zayn, then Niall, then Louis, then HARRY, and last but not least, YOU!" He starts laughing like a maniac then stops and looks at me.

"Fine. But for now, you leave me and everyone else alone. And if I shall choose you then you still would not harm any of the boys. Nor Danielle, Perrie, or Eleanor (even though her and Lou broke up.)

"Deal. And you do not speak a word of this day. You and I were never here. Because perhaps you did run your little mouth, I have a gun ready in my pocket." He whispers in my ear.

"Alright. We have a deal." I say confidentally.

"I suppose we do." He kisses my neck and turns to walk away.

"And one more thing!" I say, stopping him in his tracks. "Clean yourself up, you look like shit." I smile and slowly hobble back to my car.

Though it didn't seem it, I was terrified. I thought he would of kidnapped me and then slowly killed me. But instead, he did something worse, he' using my friends and family as black mail. And I know if I don't do what he says I'm pretty sure he'll hurt them. 

By the time I was home I noticed I was crying. As i kind of expected, Harry was waiting right on his front porch for me. Shit.

"Jade what's wrong babe? Where are your clothes?" He asks, worried.

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