Three: Put your Arms around Her

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Marinette's train of thought was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Adrien, the photographer is here," Natalie stuck her head in the door. Marinette shook her head, returning back to reality.

"We will be right out Natalie!" Adrien called. They all got up and went to the main entrance where Vincent, the photographer, stood present.

"Sorry I am early Mr Agreste, I couldn't wait any longer," he said in his French accent.

"That's alright, shall we get started?" Adrien smiled.

"I was told to wait for your father," as he said that, Gabriel appeared at the top of the stairs.

"I'm here, let's get started," Gabriel ordered and sat down to watch. Vincent nodded and starting ordering Adrien around. Marinette, Alya and Nino took a seat as they watched Adrien move from the windows to the stairs to the floor. Marinette couldn't help smile and blush as she watched Adrien flicked his hair and make seductive faces at the camera. She could remember her favourite ad when she was 15 about Adrien's fragrance, but she had never seen his face look as hot as he was now.

"Excellent! BRILLANT!" the photographer called as he caught every moment in his camera. "You are looking very handsome today,"

"Hell yeah he is!" Alya called out. Nino turned to her in jealousy as she chuckled and kissed his cheek. Marinette could help snort, but she always kept her eyes on Adrien.

"What are you thinking about Mari?" Alya nudged her. Marinette shook her head.

"What?" she said. Alya just raised an eyebrow. "Well," Marinette continued. "He looks so hot doesn't he," she whispered in Alya's ear.

"Tell that to Adrien, not me," she chuckled. Marinette's cheeks burned and flushed with a red hot pink.

"WAIT!" Vincent called as Adrien stopped posing.

"Is everything alright?" Adrien asked.

"No, no, there is something missing," he answered. "You're in a suit, but there is no spark, we need, we need..." he walked around the room, with his hand on his chin. "Ah-ha!" he finally said. "ROMANCE!" Alya's ears pricked up.

"Marinette will step in!" she shot up and pointed at her friend.

"I-I will?" Marinette stuttered. Adrien smiled from across the room.

"Yeah, Mari!" he agreed. Marinette literally held her breath.

"Hmm," Gabriel but in. "But you will need a dress," Vincent said.

"Hey, we just bought some from Gabriel!" Nino said.

"Then get changed and meet us back here in asap!" he ordered. Adrien chuckled as Marinette got up. She walked into Adrien's room and got her dress. Tikki flew out of her purse as she entered the bathroom.

"Oh my god Marinette! You're going to be in a photoshoot with Adrien!" she started fangirling.

"AHHH I know, this is going to be great!" she cried. "Wait, but what if I mess up, what if the photographer doesn't like me, what if I look ugly, what-" she went on but Tikki cut her off.

"You will be fine Marinette," Tikki reassured as Marinette slipped the dress on, trying not to mess up her hair. She soon stepped out into the hall where everyone's eyes were drawn to her.

"Perfect!" Vincent said under his breath. Marinette stepped a little closer to Adrien, her dress hiding her shaking legs. "Alright, girl face me," Marinette obeyed. She really didn't want to mess this up. She stood at the bottom of the stairs and faced the photographer. "Adrien! Put your arms around her from behind!" he called out. Both their eyes widened. Alya and Nino however bit their lips to keep their laughter in. Adrien shrugged and from behind, slid his arms around Marinette's waist. "Girl, hold his arms with yours," Marinette did so unconsciously, thinking about how amazing it was. "Now rest your head on her cheek!" he ordered. Marinette held her breath as she heard Adrien chuckle to himself from behind. He did so. "Girl, look at Adrien, and Adrien look at the camera seriously!" they posed together as Vincent took the photo.

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