Seventeen: Truth Hurts

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Cat sat with his head in his hands, wondering about the truth. A million thoughts were running through his head. 

'Where is my love?'

'What is going on?'

'Why did my father need Marinette?'

That's when a woosh of red flew into the window, startling him. Something similar to Plagg was hovering in front of him. His eyes widened as he too a step closer. He stared at the fear in her eyes. 

"I have answers, follow me," Tikki whispered then flew out the window again. 

"HEY WAIT!" he called, chasing after her. He followed a trail of red flashes in the air, jumping from building to building, when the trail had stopped. He found himself standing in front of a building. He tilted his head the pushed the door open. The corridor was long and empty but Tikki was floating in the middle of it. She flew into one of he rooms on the left and Cat followed. 

"Ahh, Adrien..." Master Fu was seated cross legged in the middle of the room, awaiting his arrival. Cat Noir smiled. 

"I remember you," he bowed his head.
"Plagg, claws in," he said, transforming back into Adrien, revealing Plagg. Adrien walked a little closer to the old man.  Tikki flew next to him. 
"Um, what is happening, why am I here?"  

Master Fu.

"You lover," he started. 
"Marinette, she is in danger. Hawkmoth. It is your turn to be the hero," he explained. 

"Wait Marinette is in danger! WITH HAWKMOTH!" he ran his fingers through his hair as he knelt in front of Master Fu. 

"That is the thing," Master Fu interrupted. 
"Marinette was last at your house..."

"With my father," his eyes started to tear up. 
"Does that means... Ha-wk," he gulped. He couldn't say it. It couldn't be true. 
"It all makes sense now," he said as a tear rolled down his face. 
"Wait," he looked up. 
"Does that mean Marinette..."

"Is Ladybug?" he interrupted. 
"Yes. This is her kwami, Tikki. Tikki knows and saw everything that happened, sh-"

"WHAT happened?" Adrien yelled furiously.

"As soon as you left," Tikki began. 
"He threatened her at Marinette fought it, but one punch knocked her out immediately-"

"PUNCH!" Adrien screamed, fully crying now. 

"Adrien, I know, he took her away, underground, through a combination in the painting in his office," Tikki explained. She flew up and kissed him on the cheek. He turned his head to face her. 

"Do you know the combination?" Adrien asked softly. Tikki shook her head in response, making Adrien sigh.

"I'm going to save her," he stood up. 

"Not so fast boy!" Master Fu said, standing up as well. 
"I know Marinette is in danger but there is one more thing," he said. Adrien tilted his head, intrigued. 
"I know Hawkmoth is the holder than more than one miraculous. The peacock. Retrieve it. Now I know where it is, it is the only chance we-I have to gain it back," Master Fu placed a hand on Adrien's shoulder. 

"Miraculous?" he questioned thinking back to when he first discovered it. 
"Like a blue fan?" 

"YES YES THAT's IT!" Master Fu praised.
"Take Tikki with you, now go!" he ordered. Adrien nodded. 

"Plagg, CLAWS OUT!" he transformed into Cat Noir and ran straight to his house. He jumped through a window, leading straight to the study.  

"This is it!" Tikki flew straight to the painting. She went through the painting and unlocked it from the inside, revealing a secret bookshelf. 

"This is where the book I stole was," he whispered, opening the door up even more. 

"You mean the book with all the figures and symbols," Tikki said. His eyebrows lowered in response. 
"Master Fu has it, it's safe," she reassured. 

"Why can't Plagg be more like you," Cat Noir giggled, tickling her cheek, making her giggle. 
"How do I get to his lair from here?" he questioned. 

"He pressed a few buttons on the outside, but I don't know which ones," Tikki said, showing the painting. His eyebrows furrowed. 

"I'll get the peacock miraculous first. It should be on the second shelf next to the picture of my...mother?" He moved things out the way.
"It's gone!" Cat took a step back. He looked at Tikki and she looked at him. 
"I can't think about that now! I have to save Marinette!" he yelled, closing the door. 
"You said buttons Tikki! Where!?" Cat Noir asked. He noticed how the painting was flat. No bumps or buttons. Tikki struggled to think. She had nothing. 

"I can help you with that..." a female voice came from behind. The shock spun the two around. They saw a blue silhouette where the open window was.  Her blue hair was neatly in a bun, ad her cape fanned in the floor, the pattern of a peacock. 

"Who are you?" Cat Noir asked, raising his hands in defense. The woman giggled. 

"My name is Le Paon."






- A/N we did it! WE REACH 1K READS! WOOOOOOOOO (party with meeeee)
Anyway hope you don't hate me for another cliffhanger! 
Remember to follow me, vote and comment xxx

New chapter probably mid to late next week. I have a lot on at school like tests and after school like my basketball grand final (wish me luck)

Thank you so much for reading up to this far. Much appreciated. 

Mwah 💋

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