Seven: A Night with the Black Cat

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"Tomorrow Night? Can't I have a day off!?!" Plagg instantly said after Adrien got home and retransformed.

"What?" Adrien cried, sitting at his desk. "You heard Mari, tomorrow night, I have to be there!"

"Adrien?" a knock at the door interrupted their conversation.

"Yes Natalie," he called out.

"Your father wishes to discuss your graduation evening coming up next week,"

"I'll be right out," Plagg hid in the bathroom while Adrien walked out to greet his father. He walked into the dining room to discover his father reading his IPad. Ancient writing and figures appeared on the screen. The ones Adrien discover in the book he lost a few years ago. "Father?" he called, which made Gabriel jump from his seat.

"Adrien," he called, steadying the chair.

"What were you reading?" Adrien asked, leaning in closer.

"Nothing, but I wish to discuss your graduation night next week," he stuttered.

"Yes Natalie told me, what about it?" Adrien rushed, wanting to get back to his bedroom.

"With the photoshoot, I know what you are wearing, but you need to complete the look with a girl-"

"Actually," Adrien cut him off mid sentence. "I already have a date I'm taking,"


"Yeah, you know Marinette, the girl who I did the photoshoot with," he explained, rubbing the back of his neck, and slightly blushing.

"Oh Marinette, well I was going to suggest Chloe, but Marinette is a good choice. Make sure to invite her and her parents over that night," Gabriel ordered. "Good Night," his spoke his final words and continued to read his IPad.

"Good Night," Adrien gave a little smile and walked back to his room. He shut the door behind him and gestured for Plagg to come out.

"What did he want this time?" he cried, appearing though the bathroom wall.

"Just graduation, but he was reading something," Adrien brought his hand up to his chin as he sat on his bed.

"And?" Plagg sat next to him. Adrien stared at the wall. He soon broke the silence.

"It had the same writing and pictures as the old book I lost, what could that mean Plagg?" His kwami's eyes widened at his explanation.

"Look, I'll take you to the old guardian tomorrow night after school. He can help you," Plagg flew up and sat on his shoulder.

"Not tomorrow night, remember!" Adrien gave him a cheeky glare.

"Right," Plagg rolled his eyes. "The day after tomorrow!"


AFTER SCHOOL THE NEXT DAY (had no ideas for another school day sorry tehe)

Marinette rushed home after school to do her homework. She greeted her parents then headed for her desk.

"What's the rush Marinette?" Tikki asked, as Marienette poured out her pens and pencils.

"I can't have homework and have Cat Noir over at the same time! I won't be ready for school tomorrow, I have 3 tests!" Marinette yelled, wiping the sweat off her brow. Tikki rolled her eyes. "WAIT!" Marinette yelled. "What if Cat doesn't show up?! What if I'm wasting my time!? What if-"

"Marinette!" Tikki interrupted. "Your 15 year old Marinette is showing! Calm down, everything will be ok," Tikki kissed her cheek, making Marinette smile.

"I don't know what I would do without you Tikki," her voice was less shaky now.

"I don't know either!" she chuckled.


Marinette had her dinner and had a shower. Her dark hair was out, and she was wearing a white singlet and black night shorts.

'Take some deep breaths Marinette you can do this,' she said to herself over and over again. In the middle of her 5000th pep talk, there was a little knock at the trapdoor about her head. She jumped on her bed and opened the latch.

"Are you coming up or am I coming down?" the voice she was waiting to hear asked. She smiled and stuck her hand up. Cat Noir grabbed it and pulled her up onto the balcony.

"Hello Purrincess," he said, lightly kissing her hand.

"Oh," she snorted, slightly blushing. "Where did you get that nickname from?" she chuckled. He just winked at her in return. She smiled and took a few steps forward, and rested herself on the balcony handrail.

"I never really come up here at night," she sighed, looking over the darkness of Paris, with beautiful, dim lights, lighting up the streets. Cat Noir walked over and stood next to her.


"Nah, I mean, you're Cat Noir, you probably see these views all the time, but me, not really," she smiled to herself.

"Actually," he began to speak. "I never really see these sort of views myself,"


"I'm not just Cat Noir, I do have a life outside of my 'save the world resume'. My life is quite dull and strict when I'm not Cat Noir," he sighed and sat up on the rail. Marinette watched him and chuckled. "What?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Do you remember a few years ago when we-you fought Glaciator?"

"Yeah why?"

"Have a look at where we are both standing?" she said. They both looked at their surroundings and realized. They were in the exact same place and setting as they were a few years ago, when Adrien (or in this case, Cat Noir) first started to have feelings for Marinette. They both looked up and smiled at each other.

"It's fate," he whispered, grinning.

"Except this time, you don't have anything special planned for Ladybug," Marinette chuckled.

"But I have plans for someone else," he said under his breath, wiping the smiled off Marinette's face.

"Huh?" Cat Noir got off the handrail and stood face to face with Marinette. The only thing they could hear was the soft wind. Cat slowly smirked, and didn't blink once while staring into Marinette's eyes. Marinette's breaths were starting to get quicker by the second and her cheeks flushed a hot wave of red. Cat Noir moved a few strands of her dark hair, out of her face, and tucked it behind her ear. He placed that hand on her cheek and pulled her closer, their lips slightly touching. He moved his other hand, and placed it on her waist. Marinette closed her eyes and leant forward, kissing him. Her hands moved on their on, wrapping them around his neck. Their kiss was slow, but meaningful. It was all over too soon. They both pulled away, eyes still closed. Marinette felt his lips curl into a smiled, as hers did the same. Cat moved his hand from her cheek and rested it on her waist. Hers rested on his broad shoulders.

"That wasn't too soon, was it?" he whispered. Marinette shook her head in response. He smiled back. "Then I will see you later," he let go of her and jumped back up on the handrail.

"WAIT!" she called. He turned around.

"Don't worry," he grinned. "I will be back," and with that he was off. He jumped from building to building, a figure, a silhouette, a shadow and then nothing. Marinette sighed and went back to her bed. She grabbed her pillow and hugged it.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Tikki appeared out of nowhere and placed herself of the pillow. Marinette started giggling, as she couldn't contain herself. "Oh Marinette!" Tikki went and kissed her cheek, the both of them full of excitement.




-(A/N) Thanks for reading this far. Make sure to follow me, vote and comment if you like it so far! It does help to motivate me to keep writing and get ideas for further chapters.
Thank you so much mwah 💋

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