Twenty-three: It was you

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"Hello, son,"
 the man said. Cat jumped backwards in defence. His mouth dropped open, but not a single word was said. 

"I'm sorry Mr Agreste you must be mistaken," he rubbed the back of his neck. 
"You see, Adrien wa-"

"Do not insult my intelligence!" Gabriel yelled. 

"How do you know?" Cat Noir questioned. 

"Well, it started to get obvious when I couldn't find my son in his room half the time," Gabriel cocked his head up and smiled. His head soon fell back low.
"After all this time," Cat's father sighed.
"I mean I had my theories and you didn't get that ring out of now where, but how do you think I was supposed to feel when I found out my own SON... was Cat Noir," his eyes drifted from Adrien's green eyes to his black suit. 

"I could say the same thing about my father being Hawkmoth," Cat Noir didn't hesitate. Gabriel tilted his head up. 

"I'm sorry, what are you talk-"

"DON'T LIE TO ME FATHER!" Cat Noir cut him off with a loud scream. 
"I'm not as stupid and as isolated as you think I am. For goodness sake, I'm Cat Noir!" he pondered the room.
"You! You were the one that hurt Marinette, my Marinette, just for power! Is that why you isolated me all these years! TO HIDE THE TRUTH!? IS THAT WHY MUM LEFT!? WAS SHE SCARED?! WAS THAT IT?! OR WAS...THERE...MORE?!" he screamed and yelled, tears strolling down his face, but he kept his distance from his monster of a father.

"There was more to it," Gabriel didn't look up like he was ashamed. 

"And that more was?" another tear streamed down Cat's face.  

"A story was another time," his father looked up. 


"No, it's not," (just imagine here, in a movie, a massive crash at the window and two superheroes (you can guess who) jump in and the relief music plays tehe) 

Both Cat Noir and Gabriel turned to face the broken window. 

"We've got time," Le Paon smiled. 

"And I think we all need a good explanation right now," Ladybug nodded her head. Her presence made Cat Noir smile. 

"What are you doing here?" Cat asked them. 



Le Paon sat on the roof of the Agreste Mansion, just overlooking the city, when she spotted Cat Noir jumping from building to building, smiling. Him smiling made herself smile. 

Something about him made her do that quite often. As he entered his room, she heard voices. 

"Hello, son,"

'CRAP' she thought to herself. She secretly made her way down the window and she saw Gabriel and Cat Noir talking. Le Paon's gasped. She knew it was trouble. 

'Time for backup' 

She made her way to Marinette's house. She landed on Marinette balcony and started furiously tapping at the trapdoor. 

"Cat!? I'm coming-" Mari opened the door to a different figure than she was expecting. Le Paon barged in without an invitation.

"Who are you?" Marinette stood back in shock. 

"My name is Le Paon,"

"You're Peacock Lady?!" Marinette covered her gaping mouth with her hand. 

A Dark Butterfly// Marichat fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now