Five: Loving Smiles

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Cat Noir held Marinette tight as they soared to the Eiffel Tower. He dropped her at the tip of the tower and Marinette went to her spot, but Cat grabbed her hand and held her back.

"What's wrong?" Marinette turned at the sudden holt. He just looked at her.

"Just..." he let go. "Be careful," Marinette didn't run off, but acknowledge his thought.

"I will," she said as she flashed her teeth. Then began to run off but paused. "Good luck," she whispered. Cat Noir nodded, feeling faint, and they both ran to their positions.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Tikki flew out of her purse.

"If everything, goes to plan, yes," she said still running.

Cat Noir quickly sprinted through the streets on Paris to find Jewelousy. He followed the mayhem trail of the streets and soon found.

"You want Marinette! Follow me!" He called to her as Chloe's ears pricked up. She gave an evil grin and follow Cat through the street until they were both at the Eiffel Tower.

"Where is she?!" she cried. Cat gestured her to look up. Her eyes followed and saw Marinette standing at the height of the tall building. "Great," she sighed under he breath and travelled upwards. As soon as Marinette saw her coming towards her, she ran. Chloe beat her up to the top.

"Hello, Marinette Dupain-Cheng," Chloe scoffed.

"Why are you mad at me?!" Marinette yelled.

"OH, you know why, trying to steal my Adrien," she screamed back. A lightbulb in Marinette's head flicked on. 'So this is what it is about,' she said in her head. 

"I'm s-sorr-" As she spoke, Chloe attacked, throwing a gem right at Marinette's heart. She dodged it, the jewel of jealousy skimming pass her. Marinette took a step closer, as Cat Noir jumped up and revealed himself.

"Get me close to her!" Marinette order Cat. He nodded, as they both ran around, dodging her bullets. Chloe soon began to get frustrated, as she just could not hit them. Marinette was only a few inches away, her plan was working.

"MARINETTE LOOK OUT!" Cat Noir cried, as her Marinette showed and she tripped backwards onto the rail of the tower.

"It's over Marinette," Chloe snickered as she through her gem and it hit her right in the chest. Marinette grabbed her chest, and tried to fight the power as she lost her balance, and tumbled backwards, off the building.

"NO!" Cat cried, sprinting over to try to catch her, but it was too late, she had already fallen halfway to the ground. He looked back at Chloe, who was glaring at him, biting her lip. Cat Noir shook his head and leaped off the building, after Mari. Falling, he glided to catch up with her. She was unconscious, her eyes, closed. Cat Noir grabbed hold of her tightly. "CATACLYSM!" he stuck out one hand and crushed the ground, making a soft landing as the rubble cracked and disappeared. She slept in his arms as he cradled her. 

"Come on, Mari, wake up, I'm here," he whispered. Her eyes fluttered open and she shot up, and moved away from his grasp. Something was different however. Her eyes. They had turned a dark violet. 

"Thanks, Cat Noir, FOR NOTHING!" she yelled. 

"Mari?" Cat held his head to the side. 

"Not anymore," she snickered and began to run off. Cat chased after her, Ladybug's voice ringing in his head, 'love conquers all'. 

"MARINETTE!" he called. She turned around. 

"What now!?" she yelled. Cat Noir stared at her deeply in the eyes. He just smiled and stepped closer. He grabbed her wrist as she tried to struggle, and pulled her into a heartfelt hug. He rested his head on her shoulder, and wrapped both arms around her as he closed his eyes. Marinette squirmed, still under the spell, she squirmed, trying to get out, but soon stopped. She froze and then too, put her arms around Cat Noir's waist, sinking her head into his chest. They embraced each other and then realized what they were doing. Marinette looked up, still holding Cat, and he looked down. Her eyes faded from the violet back to the blue.

A Dark Butterfly// Marichat fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now