Twenty-two: Surprise Explanations

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Marinette raced downstairs and opened the door. She grabbed Adrien's wrist and pulled him upstairs. He didn't have time to say hi to her parents. As soon as they reached her room, Marinette slammed the door shut.

"Ok, so I just revealed my secret identity to Cat Noir who is also my boyfriend, who turned out to be Adrien who was my major secret crush in high school and I'm pretty sur-"

"Woah, Marinette!" Adrien placed his hands on her shoulders and prevented her from going on. She took quick and deep short breaths.
"Slow down, we can work everything out, right now, but you need to stay calm," he reassured her. She gave a slow nod.
"Good," he laughed. "Now, what is your first question?"


"So, you're telling me that there is another miraculous holder out there?" Marienette and Adrien were seated on her bed.

"Yes, the peacock, however, she seems familiar,"

"Does she know that we are, well, us?" 

"She knows that you are Ladybug, but she doesn't know I'm Cat Noir," Adrien explained. Meanwhile, Tikki and Plagg were playing tiggy around the room. 

"And Hawkmoth?" Marinette lifted her head. Adrien sighed and lowered his head. 

"Most likely my father," he rubbed the back of his neck.
"And Le Paon somehow knows him."

Marinette just stared at him and waited for him to say something else. He finally lifted his head. His green eyes met hers. 

"This," he said softly.
"Doesn't change your opinion on me right?" Marinette eyes widened at his question. 

"Meaning?" she leaned forward. 

"Well, you said high school crush. But you like Cat Noir," he hesitated.
"Who do you love? A person? Or a personality?" 

Marinette's mouth dropped a little, and his words made her tear up. She placed a hand on his lap. 

"I-I l-love you," she looked him in the eye. Adrien smirked a little. 
"Cat Noir and Adrien Agreste," she smiled. Without hesitating, Adrien slowly lifted his hand and cupped her cheek and brought her face close to his. Marinette carefully grabbed the back of his neck and pulled his face into hers.

A slow, but meaningful kiss. 

Their lips moved in sync as they embraced each other. 


"I told you it would happen!" Tikki said quietly to Plagg. 

"Ugh, love makes me sick," Plagg rolled his eyes. Tikki turned and faced him. She gave a cute giggle and gave him a little kiss on his cheek. 

He instantly froze in the air. 

Tikki just kept giggling. 


Adrien broke away from their love to breath. Neither opened their eyes and their lips stayed an inch from the other's. 

"I better get back before father notices," he sat up. 

"Plagg! Claws Out!" Plagg was sucked away and Adrien transformed into Cat Noir. Cat Noir started to walk away when he felt to arms wrap around his waist. He put his arms over hers as she held him tight. He turned around and put his arms around her shoulders. 

"Be safe," Marinette whispered. 

"I will," he gave her a kiss on her lips and jumped off, through the trap door. 

"Bye kitty," Marinette waved as she sighed. 


He jumped on building to building in his own mind, thinking about Marinette. His secret was out, and best of all, his purrincess was also his m'lady. A smile curled to his lips just thinking about it. He finally reached his house and jumped through the window.

"Another success," he smiled and sighed as he was about to change back. But there was something else in the room. He quickly turned his head to face the silhouette in the shadow near the door. 

"Le Paon?" he tilted his head. 
"What are you doing here?" 

There was no answer. 

"Hello?" Cat took a step forward. The person did the same thing, but out of the shadows. Cat Noir's eyes widened as he scurried backwards. It wasn't Le Paon.

"Hello, son..." 





- A/N

Heyyy, thank you so much for 1.5k+ reads, that's awesome!

So I'm on school holidays now so you can expect chapters a bit more frequently.

Don't forget to follow me, vote and comment if you are liking it so far

Mwah 💋

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