Eighteen: Help

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Cat stared into the woman's eyes. A green so mysterious yet so familiar to him.

"Who?" Cat raised an eyebrow. The woman just sighed.

"Look," she started.
"I know why you are here and what you want. I know how to get to where you want to be, so are you coming or not?" her voice was soft and alluring to Cat, but very demanding. She walked up and stood next to him.

"How do you know about my fath- Hawk moth's Lair?" Cat questions.

"Oh darling, so many questions," she smiled at him.
"I'll just say the events that happened a long time ago dear, are stuck in my memory," he smile faded.
"Ready?" she returned to reality. Cat nodded.
She grabbed his hand and tugged him closer to her. They both faced the painting. Le Paon studied it with narrow eyes. Then she found the key to the puzzle. She moved her hands and touched the painting at points, pushing in hidden buttons. The ground below them stared to move. Cat grabbed onto her arm to stable him. He looked up and fixed his emerald ones on hers. It was piercing, making Cat Noir want to cry. He let go of her arm and mouthed an apology. The blue woman just smiled and the ground slowly fell below them.



Marinette sat in silence as the figured circled her. She couldn't make the figure out, but her mind was fixed on him being Gabriel. After a long silence as he studied her, his voice finally spoke.

"You know you have what I want girl!" he snickered, walking closer to her. Marinette didn't flinch, irritating the man. Marinette felt a hand on her chin, as a jolt of power lifted her head. She finally knew who she was dealing with.


Her eyes stared into his grim ones. She narrowed her eyes, trying to hold her fear in her shaking legs.

"What do you mean?" she whispered to him. A striking sting came across her cheek as Hawkmoth's hand was smacked across her face. Marinette's head dangled to the side, trying to hold her tears from the pain.

"I HAVE TRIED..." he walked away yelling.
"FOR SOME MANY YEARS FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY FOR YEARS ON END! CHANGING PEOPLE, HARMING PARIS JUST FOR YOUR MIRACULOUS! YOU HAVE THE CHEEK TO LIE TO ME. AT LEAST I HAVE THE GUTS TO TELL THE TRUTH!" he ranted, waving his hands in the air. Marinette listened, but never gave eye contact and never gave in. She noticed blood from her nose drip onto her pants, but couldn't wipe it away as he hands were tied. She still knelt on the ground, weak, trying to stay conscious.

"NOW!" he started up again. He took a step closer and pulled her head up by her chin.

"Will you be a good girl and give me your earrings or will I-"


Marinette and Hawkmoth turned their heads to face the unknown voice.

"Stupid Cat! We said surprise," a frustrated Le Paon whispered to Cat as she pinched her nose.

"Sorry," he said back to her. Marinette brought a weak smiled to her face seeing Cat Noir there. Le Paon raised her head to face Hawkmoth.

"Impossible," Hawkmoth mouthed, letting go of Marinette.

"It really isn't darling," Le Paon gave a sympathetic smiled towards him.

"Wait, you know him?" Cat turned to her.

"Why do you think I'm here?" she smiled in response.
"Now darling," she turned back to Hawkmoth.
"If you give the girl back and leave this lost kitty alone, we can handle this in a civil manner," she put her hands up as a sign of surrender.
"Or, we take the girl back, and we fight just like good old times," she clasped her hands together, now only inches away from Hawkmoth.

A Dark Butterfly// Marichat fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now