Four: Emotions Strike

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"Chloe?" Ms Bustier called the roll.

"Here," Chloe answered in her sassy voice.

"Marinette?" There was no answer. "Marinette?" she called again. Everyone looked at each other. Adrien turned around to Alya.

"Do you know where she is?" he whispered to her. Alya pouted and shrugged her shoulders. Just before the teacher marked her absent the door slammed open.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Marinette had rushed into the door. Everyone stared at her.

"Oh Marinette, where have you been darling?" Ms Bustier asked.

"I'm so sorry, I-I um....forgot to set my alarm? Hehe," Marinette tried to explain.

"I can tell, with the time and change of clothes, her teacher giggled. Marinette raised an eyebrow and wondered why everyone was looking at her. Then she looked at herself and realised. She forgotten to do her hair and grab her jacket. She was just wearing a singlet with a flower pattern in the top corner and her usual pink jeans. Her hair was let down, her bangs almost covering her eyes. Marinette gave an awkward smile and found her seat.

"Wow girl look at you," Alya whispered.

"Why everyone is staring at me?" Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Cause you look good!" Alya pointed out, which made Marinette blush. She looked around her, everyone's eye disappearing from her face. Chloe was the only person who was still staring at her, with disgust in her eyes. Marinette gave her an awkward smile, as her eyes narrowed even further. 

"What is up with Chloe?" Marinette turned to Alya. 

"I see jealousy in those eyes," Alya giggled. 

"Why would she be jealous?" Marinette asked. When she asked this, Adrien, in the row in front, turned around. 

"Because finally someone in the room has found a better fashion sense than her," he giggled as he turned back around. Marinette's eyes widened at his response. so had Alya's, secretly fan girling inside. 

"Did he just say that?" Alya whispered, astonished. Marinette gave a slow nod, up and down, trying to process what just happened. 


Marinette and Alya walked to the school courtyard, just before going home. 

"Alya, do you have a hair tie?" Marinette asked, struggling to keep the hair out of her face.

"I do," she replied. "But I ain't giving it to you, you look fine!" Marinette glared at her as she laughed. 

"Do I really stand out that much?" Mari asked, checking herself out. 

"Well yeah, no one has every seen you, well... reveal so much," Alya said, making her pull up her singlet. An unfriendly voice traveled up to them. 

"What are you trying to hide Marinette, your reputation!" Chloe cackled. 

"Not mine, yours!" Marinette said. Chloe snickered at her response. 

"Whatever," she flicked her hair back. 

"Come on Mari, let's go, before the devil strikes," Alya picked up Mari by the hand and began walking away. Chloe laughed, and put her put foot out in front of Mari, tripping her in the process. Marinette tumbled down to the ground, loosing her balance until two arms wrapped around her waist, just before she hit the ground. 

"Not cool Chloe," a boy said, helping Mari to her feet. 

"ADRIKINS!" Chloe yelled. "You've got it all wrong, she was bullying me and then tripped! Karma is real Marinette, you should watch out," she lied to Adrien. He just rolled his eyes and turned back to Mari, still holding her. 

A Dark Butterfly// Marichat fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now