37. How Would You Feel

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at least I think it's at Niall. I'm gonna pretend that it is :)

(I know I said I would post this chapter in a couple of hours but I wanted to make this chapter perfect xx )

ok on with the story


"Okay, I know you mentioned that you didn't need a drink. But I got plain water for you anyway, just in case you got thirsty." I tell him as I make my way back to the table with our breakfast— McDonald's breakfast, on a tray.

He smiles up at me, eyes shining brightly, causing my my heart to warm up.

"Thank you."

I smile, taking a seat opposite him as I slide him his food.

"Are you gonna be staying back at your parents place during summer vacation?" I ask curiously before taking a bite off my English McMuffin.

He shrugs slowly. "I don't know really..." He admits. "I talked to my mum last night, she told me to stay with them to.. you know, save some money on the dorm fees, but I don't know... I'm still kind of mad at my dad." He explains.

I nod in understanding. "It's vacation, Niall. You should stay back at your own home. I mean.. you already hardly see your parents during the school year. And about your dad... he can't possibly be mad at you forever. If anything, it's me he should be mad at." I say, although, every bit in me wants Niall to continue staying in campus only because it's so much easier to see him, and to ensure he's okay. If he's all the way on the other side of London, it's kind of worrying.

"He shouldn't have to be mad at either of us, H." He says, heaving a deep sigh. "But I guess you do have a point. I should spend more time with them." He mutters more to himself.

"And you?" He asks instead. "You're staying in campus, I'm assuming?"

I breathe out a short laugh. "Yeah. Not that I have a choice." I shrug nonchalantly, but there's still a slight pang in my heart at the thought of my family.

"Anyway, before I forget," I say instead, pushing the thoughts of my family back, and also before Niall can say anything further about them.

I place my burger down then reach into my back pocket, pulling out two pieces of paper, reaching across for his wrist, then placing them down in his palm.

He looks down at them, eyes widening, shining brightly, as a wide grin slowly stretches across his lips, excitement slowly starting to bubble in him.

"Harry... how did you.. weren't these sold out? And, how did you even afford these?" He asks, dumbfounded, staring at the tickets in his hands.

"Like I mentioned, I was working longer hours at the cafe and singing more gigs by the bar. And well.. I wanted you to have a blast on our first date." I tell him with a bashful smile while he gapes at me.

"Harry..." He breathes out, eyes slightly glazed over. "You should've saved your hard earned money for yourself. I mean, I don't mean to be rude but you're barely scraping through with school fees, accommodation and all. You really didn't have to spend even more money on this." He says, though, I can see the excitement swimming in his eyes.

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