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Colby sits on the floor of the school bathroom as I wipe the blood off of his face. A kid came up to him and punched him, calling him a fag, I saved him, I like colby. I got up to throw the paper towel away and helped him up, we then went to class.
I sit in fourth period with colby next to me. the teacher was talking, but we weren't paying attention, especially me, I was too busy getting lost in Colbys beautiful eyes. They would turn gray when he was sad, dark blue when he was angry, a gorgeous teal when he was happy, he was so cute. Colby looks at me, he puts his hand down next to him and pointed at my leg, I look at him confused, he points to his areas, and then at me, I look down, I had a boner, the bell rang, "Uh....hEy—sam caN you cARry my laPtOp to lUnCh for me?" Colby says, I take a deep breath. "YeAh of cOurSe colby." I say, I take his laptop and cover my boner with it, we walk out of the classroom and run to the bathroom. "Let's just stay in here the whole lunch period, you need to." Colby says, I was so embarrassed, I didn't know I was crushing on him that hard. I look over at colby, he slides down the bathroom wall and starts to vape, he blows o's while I sit next to him waiting for this problem to go away. "Hey sam." Colby says through his vape. "Yeah." I say, he puts his arm around me. "Wanna leave?" He asks, was he crazy? "Like-leave school?" I ask. "Yeah, like wanna ditch this hell hole?" He asks, part of me did, but I didn't want to get in trouble. "Isn't that gonna get us in trouble?" I ask, he looks at me. "I mean I never get caught, let's just do it." He says, he takes my hand and leads me to the front doors. "Colby! We're gonna get in trouble!" I whisper yell, he looks back at me. "Sam trust me, we won't, and plus you can take care of—that." He says, pointing to my boner. I finally agree, we leave.
Once we get to my house we go into my room, I sit down on my bed and lay back, hands on my face. "What's wrong?" Colby asks, still vaping,I look at him, he looks at me. "Nothing." I say, he furrows his eyebrows. "Sam, I'm the king of knowing when something is wrong, just tell me I don't have anymore friends to tell." He says, it was true, but the problem was I liked him. He comes over and sits down next to me, he puts his arm around me and starts tickling my neck, I giggle, he smiles. Colby starts tickling me and my giggles turn into laughter, he smiles as I tickle him back, for the first time ever, I hear colby laugh, I'm so glad that I'm friends with him, I pulled him out of his depression. But I still don't know how to tell him that I like him.

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