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I wake up and see everyone passed out still, I look up at colby and whine for him to get up, he opens his eyes and pulls me closer. "I'm not getting up right now go back to sleep ok ." He says, I lay back down on his chest and wait for him to get up.
"GET UP WERE GOING BUNGEE JUMPING!" Elton says, I hear colby groan. "Colby wake up." I say, he just pulls me closer. "Come on thing one and thing two get up." Elton says, I grab Colbys arm and pull him up, "colby get up." I say, he sits up with his eyes half open. He grabs me and lays his face on my shoulder, "Colby get the hell up the rest of us are waiting on you." Elton says, pulling the covers off of us. I feel colby start to cry into my shoulder, Elton doesn't know about colby rough childhood and how bad it scares him. "Elton Colbys dad used to hit him be more careful he's scared when people yell at him." I say, he comes over to him and hugs him. "Sorry colby I didn't know." Elton says. "It's ok." Colby says, he wipes his tears away and gets up, once he's ready we were off.
Once we get to the bungee jumping place I look down at where I'll be going, I felt nauseous just looking at the drop, colby grabs me. "Don't look down, it doesn't help." Colby says, I was petrified of high places, but Elton dragged me into it and made me do it. The first person to go was Corey, he stands to the side and Elton makes him go, he walks up to the instructor and waits to jump off. We all count down and Corey jumps off, colby could tell that I was scared so he pulls me close to him and wraps his arms around me, the cord comes back up and it was Colby's turn to go. "Come on, it's not that bad once you're down there." Elton says, colby grabs my hands looks at him. "He'll be fine, if he sees you do he'll do it....right sam?" Elton says looking at me, I look at the ground and nod my head, I feel my eyes start to water as colby walks away, I try not to cry but I can't help it, I start crying. Elton comes over to me and rubs my back, I get that he was trying to comfort me but I was scared to see colby jump, and I didn't want to go. "I want colby." I cry, colby looks back before going, "I'll be ok sam, just meet me down there." He says, and jumps off. "Elton please, I don't wanna go." I say through my tears, he looks at me and nods, "go down stairs, I'll meet you guys down there." Elton says, the instructor takes off my harness and I go downstairs. Once I get downstairs colby pulls me into a hug and kisses my head. "You're ok Sammy, it wasn't that scary it was actually pretty fun." Colby says, I kind of regret not jumping because I try and do everything but I was to scared. We wait for Elton at the bottom, colby sits me down on the bench and wipes away my tears. "Sam, are you ok, you're really really clingy recently. And don't take that the wrong way because I love you, I'm just worried about you." Colby says, I look at him and tuck my head in his shoulder, he rubs my back. I honestly didn't know what was wrong, I guess I'm scared about losing him sometimes, for no reason. "I'm scared of losing you, what if you don't wanna be together in the future." I say, he hugs me tighter and I see a tear run down his face. "Sam, baby, I will always want to be with you." He says, I hug him tighter, "Sam everything's ok." He says, he grabs my hands and intertwines them with his. "Wanna go back to the hotel?" He asks, I nod my head, he gets up. I reach my arms out for him to carry me, he picks me up and walks over to Elton and Corey. "Guys What are we doing next." Colby asks. "We were gonna go get an RV for the rest of the two weeks we're here, it's too much money to pay for the hotel." He says. "Ok lets go." Colby says, we walk back to the car and go get the RV.
Once we get the RV we all go inside and find out sleeping arrangements again. "I'm sleeping with sam." Colby says, Elton points to the bed at the top and we put our stuff up there. "Corey you're sleeping on the couch and I'll get that bed tonight, we'll do something else tomorrow I'm way too tired to figure anything out right now." Elton says, I climb up and get in bed and colby follows me, he grabs me and kisses my head, I giggle. "Aw, it's nice to hear you laugh, but let's go to sleep, we need it." He says, I close my eyes and fall asleep right away.

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