Texting 17

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enjoy the song my beautiful humans and aliens






Jamie's pov


I quickly whirled around to Tyler's voice.

"Tyler." I spoke, astounded.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets, standing up from the bed in the room. "Are you okay?" Tyler asked.

I swiftly wiped the sleeves of my jacket under my eyes. "Yeah, um, actually no." I paused and gathered all the fried thoughts I could conjoin and spoke again. "I've been going crazy just to find you, like really crazy. And you were no where, I swear that I would have lost my fucking mind if I didn't find you in here."

His eyes glanced around the room. "Well, you found me. Can you get the fuck out now?"

My brows furrowed, I was supposed to understand why he was mad, but my drunken state did not let his hostile attitude slide. "Why are you being like this?"

Tyler shook his head. "You're drunk, just leave."


"You're acting like a child."

I frowned a bit, in which he quickly looked away from me. "Why don't you just hear me out?-"

"Because I don't want to hear your pathetic bullshit anymore! It's stupid and not worth my time! I just don't want to hear it!" Tyler abruptly snapped, taking steps towards me.

I felt frozen in place. Tyler stood three inches away from me. His flaming eyes were burning into me, weakening me under his hostage. His warm hands cupped my cheeks and without warning, his soft lips crashed onto mine. I felt my heart pound through my chest. His soothing lips had me feeling untroubled. My hands reached to his hair and drew Tyler's body closer to mine. Our lips moved in a slow rythm. His hands slowly travelled down the base of my neck, and soon, so did his lips. He left soft kisses to my jaw and sucked at the corner of my jaw. I let the breath of a moan past my lips. His hands went slowly down my sides and gripped my hips.

Tyler's enticing lips found mine again. This was much more hot and agressive. I felt his hard shaft through his jeans. My cheeks flushed and suddenly I felt sheepish. I was going to pull away from how tensed my insides felt, but the knocking at the door beat me to it.

I removed myself from Tyler and waited for a voice to follow.

"Jamie?" I heard Dylan's voice yell from the other side. "A couple people told me that you're in here," he paused. "Can I come in?"

He didn't wait for a response, instead he opened the door. My eyes slightly widened. And so did Dylan's when he saw Tyler and I. The love bite near my jaw visible.

"What the fuck is this?" Dylan snarled.

Tyler stepped forward a bit. "Dylan-"

"Shut the fuck up Tyler! I don't want to hear shit from you!" I could hear only the slightest slurs in the increase of his voice.

I shook my head. "Dylan, I'm so sorry."

He suddenly ignored me and turned his attention to Tyler. "Was it easy to get into her pants? Cause I've been meaning to get around to that. If only she wasn't such a prude bitch-"

From my head to the tips of my toes, I felt sober as I watched Tyler's fist connect to Dylan's cheek bone and then again. Twice. Dylan stumbled back, but refused to loose his balance. In fact, he rounded up his reflexes to bounce back and strike Tyler at the jaw.

I gained control of myself again and tried to jump in to stop their tantrums. But next thing I knew it Tyler was socking his fist to Dylan's eye, knocking him down. And then they were on the floor rolling around, and striking hits where they could. I felt helpless and hastily ran out the room, in search of someone to help tear them apart from each other. I grabbed the first two people that I saw, two built looking guys who were probably flirting with each other. I didn't bother to explain. Then again I didn't need to, because when they saw the situation, they immediately pulled the pair apart.

"What the fuck you guys?!" I exasperated.

Dylan rolled off the ground, face covered in blood, flipped me off, then left.

"I deserved that," I mumbled. "Thanks guys, that was very helpful." I said over to the guys that helped out.

One of them nodded, while the other one spoke. "No problem, we hope everything's gonna be okay."

Before they left, I smiled at them to show my gratification. I glanced back over at Tyler as the door shut. I kneeled next to Tyler to help him sit up.

"You didn't have to do that Tyler," I said.

He breathed in heavily, blood running down his face. "I couldn't let him insult you like that, especially after everything I said to you."

"I can take it, you know." My eyes gazed in his.

The pad of his thumb gently stroked my cheek. "I don't want anyone to ever talk to you like that."

I couldn't look away. A week ago, I probably would have wished that I could kiss him. But, right at this very moment, that was exactly what I was going to do. And so I did. I pressed my lips ever so slightly against his, then pulled away. "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up."

I helped him stand up. We walked over to the restroom that was connected to the room. Tyler's arm, around my shoulders as I helped him keep a steady balance. We reached the toilet, in which I kicked the lid down and sat him there. I grabbed a towel and ran it under warm water. I stood in front of Tyler and began cleaning the blood on his face.

"Thanks," he muttered slightly from under my hand, that was wiping the mess by his jaw.

I shook my head in disbelief. "That guy really knows how to throw a punch."

"You should have seen the other guy," Tyler teased.

I smiled, playfully rolling my eyes at him.

Shortly after, it became quiet in the small bathroom. The music muffled and barely heard. My mind was all over the place, I tried to keep it contained as I cleaned Tyler's bleeding lip. The same lips that were on mine a few moments ago, before the chaos. Or maybe I'm the chaos. I thought back to detention and finally decided to speak up.

"Ty?" I paused. His eyes were closes as he sighed a soft hmm. "I'm sorry."

His brows furrowed, and he opened his eyes. To my delight, the warm atmosphere was still lingering in his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know... I've been an asshole and kind of a hypocrite," I said, finally letting it out.

Tyler's soft palm reached up to cup my face. I leaned into his hand. "You don't have to apologize."

I finished wiping off the blood and stepped away from him.

"All done," I said.

Tyler stood up to examine his face in the mirror. He then turned over to me and said, "you want me to get you out of here?"

I felt my cheeks heat up, soon after. "Yeah."

As we walked out of the room and went down the stairs, I made sure to text Megan and tell her that I found Tyler and all is good. She probably wouldn't mind, she's probably with Andy. We got outside safely. The dry humid wind swept past my dark hair, carrying it past my shoulders. We reached his car and got in. The drive was comfortable. Mostly, cause I was exhausted, especially after everything that happened tonight. So, it felt nice to sit down and watch the world go past us as Tyler drove.

And as Tyler drove, I couldn't help but let my head be filled with so many unanswered questions. Although, all the answers were right in front of me. Nevertheless, there was still a lot that was needed to be said.

a/n- enjoy.

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