Texting 21

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Jamie's pov

"Don't look now, but Dylan's looking over here." Megan said as she continued to devour her strawberry ice cream.

It was a sunny Tuesday, after school. Meg and I were seated at the stairs outside of the school while we ate our ice cream that we had stolen from the cafeteria, when she said something. The recollection of before when I felt in like with Dylan had me almost guilty. For so many reasons. One of them being, that we didn't exactly end things on a good page.

I squinted my eyes from the sun and looked over at Meg.

I don't know what kind of look I had on my face because then Megan said, "I'm sure Dylan would want to talk to you."

I sunk my teeth to my bottom lip. "You think?"

"Well he hasn't looked away."

I brood on whether I should walk over there to Dylan and Tom, his best friend. And right when I found the courage to finally face him, my phone vibrates. Since my shame was cowaring away from the intense confrontation that was up ahead. I decided to procrastinate.

I checked the message that awaited for me on my phone.

Tyler: hey, sorry i wasnt at school today

I had texted Ty earlier, questioning his absence, since he hadn't shown up at school.

Me: is everything okay?

Tyler: just home problems, ts'all

Me: oh, im sorry

Me: what happened??

Tyler: come over and i'll tell you

Me: right now?

Tyler: yeah, not unless your busy

Me: no not busy at all

Tyler: okay then

Tyler: i'll see u in a little bit.

I pushed my phone into the back pocket of my black jeans pocket. My eyes travelled over to Meg's. "Could you take me to Ty's place?"

She widened her eyes, disbelief wandered within her making me feel guilty. "What about Dylan?"

"It's just- it's Ty, he needs me." I said.

She only shrugged. "Sure."

"Thanks," I responded over to her, except her atmosphere felt a bit taut.

We tossed the rest of our treat into the trash and walked over to Meg's car. She unlocked the vehicle and we climbed in.

"Are you sure?" She said, turning the engine on.

I glanced over at her. "What do you mean?"

"It's just, what happened between you and Dylan was left so tense and you're just complicating it more by avoiding him." Megan said, letting her shoulders relax.

I bit my lip. "I know," I confessed with a pause. "But I just don't know what to tell him." I finished, putting my head in my hands.

Megan gently rubbed my back. "It's okay. Just don't forget."

Texting Vol. 1 》 t.j.Where stories live. Discover now