Big Mac? Or Discord? AU!

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Hey there!

Did you all know that I'm writing an alternate ending for my Big Mac? Or Discord? series?

Its named "What It Could've Been"

If not, briefly, its about what would've happened if Fluttershy hadn't of taken Discord back during his camping trip with Solstice. 

That also means that the pairs will be different. Of course, Dislestia is the first ship, but I'm not sure who put Fluttershy with, and that's where I'm running into a problems.

After all, i can't continue to write the story if I can't decide who to ship Fluttershy with in this AU.

So that means I need your guys' help! 

Please comment who you would most like to see Fluttershy end up with!

(Though, of course it can't be Discord, sorry :c )

Thank you all for the support! Every comment helps me continue to write and I appreciate every single one.


                                                         Toshia, a fanfic writer

Big Mac? Or Discord? (Fluttercord/Fluttermac Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now