Chapter 8: The Date Begins

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~Big Mac POV~

AJ and I finished harevesting apples at about 5:30. I smiled and we went back to the house.

Once inside, I went into the bathroom and took a shower. Taking extra time to wash my mane and coat to a shine.

After I was done, I went into my room to change. I decided to go simple, and put on a bowtie.

I walked downstairs and Granny Smith was in her rocking chair.

"Do ya think she'll like it?" I asked her, feeling a little self-consious about how I looked.

"Dearie, ya look better than when ah'd dress ya up for school picture day," Granny got out of the chair and gave me a hug.

"Thank ya Granny," I said, and let go of her. I looked at the clock that was on the mantle piece above the fire-place. It was 6:15.

"Well ah best be gettin' on my way," I kissed Granny on the cheek, "Bye Granny."

I left and made my way to Sugar Cube Corner.

~Fluttershy POV~

I was done getting ready, and was double checking making sure I hadn't forgotten anything. My thoughts kept wondering to my dilemma.

Discord is sweet and gentle with me. I don't have any idea how Big Mac will be. He's a strong silent type, and probably not much of a conversationalist.

I looked in the mirror, the dress Rarity made for me hugged my body in all the right places. It was a light green and had a small trail with flowers.

After studying it more closely, I realized it was exactly like my dress I wore to the Gala, but more practical.

I giggled, "Oh Rarity."

I'd left my mane in it's regular style. I thought it looked better down than in an up-do.

I said goodbye to Angel and flew to Sugar Cube Corner. Once I got there I saw Big Mac in a corner booth.

Walking over there I got nervous.

I sat down across from Big Mac, my stomach churning. He looked at my dress, causing me to blush.

"Ya look beautiful Fluttershy," Big Mac said, truthfully.

"T-Thank you.. Rarity.. She made it," I stuttered, making me blush even darker. Bringing up Rarity made me think about Discord.

The way Discord's eyes were was enchanting. His pieced together limbs made him look unique, bordering on odd.

I groaned in my thoughts, I needed to stop think about Discord and focus on the colt in front of me.

Pinkie Pie came over with a menu, and placed it in front of us.

"Sorry guys, the other menus (?) are all taken," Pinkie said, matter-of-factly.

"It's ok Pinkie,"I said, I already knew what I was going to order, a kelp salad.

Pinkie smiled then left, giving us some time to pick our order. Big Mac was looking at it when I noticed he was wearing a bowtie. I thought it suited him.

While I was waiting for him to order my thoughts wondered. I fantasied about getting married and having foals of my own. My fantasy was more realistic with Big Mac, but my heart was yearning for Discord.

~Princess Celestia POV~

"Fluttershy chooses you, even though Big Mac is a pony you make her happier. She knows you inside and out and what to expect from you," I said, seeing Discord's eyes light up, I smiled.

Discord pulled me into a hug, "Thank you Celestia," He released me, "Do you know when Fluttershy realizes that she likes me more?"

"Now, now Discord, that'll ruin the surprise," I said, then we started walking towards the castle.

Big Mac? Or Discord? (Fluttercord/Fluttermac Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now