Chapter 14: Feelings Revealed

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I was walking around the farm as my thoughts wandered to the beautiful mare that's stolen my heart. Even though my family had drilled it into my head that liking the same gender was wrong I couldn't help but love this mare.

Her tousled rainbow mane and her big magenta eyes caused my heart to stutter whenever I laid eyes on her.

Sighing I stopped and looked up at the sky. It was beautiful all on its own. I was trying to make shapes out of the couple clouds floating in the sky and vaguely wondered why Rainbow Dash wasn't clearing the sky.

Suddenly Dash landed. Her expression looked like she was on a mission.

"Hiya Rainbow!" I yelled getting her attention. She smiled and started towards me. I watched her. Rainbow seemed to have something on her mind.

"Sup AJ?" Dash asked in her usual raspy voice. It sent shivers down my spine.

"Nothin' really. Ah was just walkin' round the farm," I said getting nervous.

Dash smiled and took a big breath, "Can I talk to you about something AJ?"

"Of course ya can," I smiled, "Ah know just the place ta go."

We trotted towards the end of the property where there was a big old oak tree. Mac and I nicknamed it the Old Oak Tree.

Once there we sat down and she looked at me then adverted her eyes to the ground.

"I'm not really sure how to say this so I'm just going to say it. I like somepony Aj" Dash said. I felt crushed. She liked somepony... And it wasn't me.

"And that somepony just so happens to be you," Dash looked at me with happiness in her eyes. I beamed and felt a huge weight lift of my shoulders. Quickly I pulled her into a hug.

I was elated. For once in my life the pony I liked actually liked me back. In a burst of courage I confessed my feelings too.

"Dashie," I said through her mane, "Ah like ya too."

I pulled away just enough to look into those deep magenta eyes. Without thinking of the consequences I pressed my lips against hers.

--------Author's Note---------

Hey everypony!! This is now stating that I'm starting my AppleDash Fanfic!! Yay!!! @Spiderwhick was my inspiration for even starting to write fanfics so I'm dedicating the entire story to her/him!! (I still don't know my favorite author's gender -.- ) But anyways go check it out!! I'll be posting the first chapter soon!!!

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