Chapter 6: Celestia Knows All

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---Author's Note---

Hey c: sorry I havent updated xC but this chapter is dedicated to @kaykay2781 !!!


I had just finished washing the dishes when I heard a yawn come from the living room. Putting everything away I thought, "Why does love have to be so confusing?"

I walked into the living room and saw Discord stretching. Giggling I sat next to him. "He is pretty cute," I thought to myself. My nerves got the best of me. I almost started to panic.

"Fluttershy, I know you're confused about why I like you, " Discord said, breaking the silence that had enveloped us. He took a deep breath, calming himself.

"Fluttershy, you are the kindest pony I know. You were the one who made me not so lonely. You are the most amazing pony I've ever met. Just by seeing your lovely smile any troubles I had vanish. My dear, you are truly the only pony making me happy in this world," Discord said. He looked into my eyes which were brimming with tears. Concern quickly filled his face.

"Oh dear, now I've upset you," He said pulling me into a hug.

How could I tell him I liked him? I still liked Big Mac and I didn't want to tell Discord that I liked him jist in case I decided Big Mac. Discord is my best friend, I couldn't stand to lose him.

"Y-you didn't upset me," I said quietly. Discord gave a soft sigh of relief, "Well then my dear, what are you crying about?" He asked and let me go. I sighted, and decided to come clean.

"I'm crying because I'm confused. I liked you Discord, but I also like somepony else. I just don't know what to do," I started to sob loudly, buried my face into Discord's shoulder.

Discord chuckled, "My dear Fluttershy, I understand that you're confused. Being told by two..well I can't neccesarily say ponies. Well being told twice in one day that you're liked can be emotionally difficult," He hugged me again, which instantly made me feel better. He continued, "No matter who you choose I'll always stay your friend."

I smiled and Discord released me from his hold. Wiping away my tears I was happy thay he understood and would still be my friend. No matter what happens.

"Well my dear, I should be getting back to the castle," Discord got up and stretched, and then started walking to the door.

I followed him, thinking about what I was going to do. Big Mac is a handsome stallion, but we've never talked. Discord I know inside and out and have been able to confess some of my deepest secrets to.

At the door, Discord turned and gave me a hug. I pulled away from him, a light pink blush was coloring my face. He looked into my eyes.

Unexpectedly, Discord bent down and quickley kissed me. My face turned a deep, bright red. He smiled at me, and flew off.

I thought for a moment. Discord had just kissed me, but something was telling me to go on the date with Big Mac.

'I'll go on the date, I thought, That'll help me decide'

I suddenly realized that Big Mac hadn't mentioned the details. I was curious to know when and where we were going.

I flew towards Sweet Apple Acres, hoping to find Big Mac outside.

~Discord POV~

I flew away from Fluttershy's house, my heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was about to burst.

When I got back to the castle, I noticed Princess Celestia was waiting for me. I rolled my eyes as I landed. Knowing she already knew about my feelings for the yellow pegasus.

Celestia walked up to me, "Did you tell Fluttershy how you feel?"

I nodded then launched into my story. Celestia nodded and commented at all the appropriate places.

We had walked around the courtyard. The sky was beautiful. It was full of color, light pinks and blues covered the sky. It was getting dark, though it was only 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Celestia and I stopped walking. She looked at me, "Discord, I know who Fluttershy picks."

My stomach dropped, but my heart soared.

"WHO?! WHO?!" I demanded, excitement and nervousness was all I could feel.

Big Mac? Or Discord? (Fluttercord/Fluttermac Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now