Chapter 7: The Gem, and the Dragon

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~Fluttershy POV~

I flew to Sweet Apple Acres, looking for Big Mac. He was with AJ bucking apples in the East Orchard.

Smiling, I landed softly next to the two work ponies. They looked over at me from their work and both gave me a welcoming smile.

"Hiya Fluttershy," Big Mac said, "What can ah do for ya?" He started to trot towards me. I felt myself blush. AJ saw and smiled, and then continued with her work.

"Well, uhm we never decided on a place to go when we go on our date, or a time," I stated, my voice was quiet, but Big Mac could hear me.

"Uhm, we could go to SugarCube Corner? Tonight? At about 7? Ah still got some work to finish up," Big Mac suggested, a nervous look was on his face but he was still smiling.

I smiled back, and agreed. He went back to work so I flew off, wondering what I should wear.

"I could wear the dress I wore to the Gala. No, that's to formal," I thought, "Maybe Rarity could make a dress for me."

With that thought, I flew to Rarity's Boutique, hoping she'd be able to make me a dress in time.

When I landed in front of the Boutique, I heard giggling coming from inside. Stopping, I heard Rarity exclaim, "Oh Spikey-wikey! You surprised me!"

Hearing Spike laugh, I began to get confused. Did Rarity like Spike?

I shrugged the thought off and knocked on the door.

Rarity sighed and said, "I wonder who that could be, well Spikey I suppose you should get back to the library. I have to figure out who this is."

I heard a slight sound, almost as if two ponies quickly kissed. A few moments later Rarity opened the door, "Fluttershy! I wasn't expecting anypony today."

"I'm sorry, it's just that I need a dress for tonight. I have a date," I gulped and braced myself, knowing that Rarity was about to blow.

I normally don't get asked out on dates, and when I do I normally chicken out and don't go.

"OH MY SWEET CELESTIA!!!" Rarity yelled, and ran up to me, "Tell me!!!"

She started to slightly shake me out of excitement.

"A-alright, I will, just please stop shaking me," I said, my eyes were practicaly rolling in the sockets.

Rarity immediately stopped, "Oh, I'm sorry," A sad look was on her face.

"It's ok Rarity, I'm excited too," I smiled. She pointed her hoof at the platform and started to measure me.

As Rarity was performing her task, my mind began to wonder, but not to my upcoming date. It went to Discord. I sighed, I should be thinking about Big Mac, not Discord.

Rarity heard my sigh and looked at me.

"Is something wrong, darling?" She asked, I knew I could trust her with my thoughts. She is my best friend.

"Well, I like two ponies, Big Mac... And Discord," I looked to the floor, expecting Rarity to spaz out. After a minute of silence, I looked up, she has a thoughtful look.

"Fluttershy, I know exactly what you're going through. I used to have a crush on the Fabric Vendor in the market and somepony else too," Rarity explained, it made me feel better about liking two ponies, though one isn't exactly a pony.

"Thanks Rarity," I said, she had started to design the dress while I had been telling her my feelings.

Rarity levitated the pencil down and picked up the sketch for me to see.

"Oh Rarity, it's beautiful," I smiled, it really was pretty. Rarity beamed at me, "Well then darling, lets get this dress made,"

Rarity went her fabrics and picked out a few. She went to her sewing table and got to work.

After the dress was done it was 5:30. The entire time Rarity was making the dress we talked. She had confessed to liking Spike and was thinking about dating him.

Dragons age faster than ponies do, so really Spike is only about a year younger than Rarity.

I was happy, not only for her, but for me. Putting the neatly packaged dress on my back I flew to my house.

Excited for the night ahead, I started to get ready as soon as I walked through the door.

Big Mac? Or Discord? (Fluttercord/Fluttermac Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now