Chapter 9: Decision

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Our date wasn't anything special. After Big Mac ordered we made small talk until our food arrived.

I'd gotten a kelp salad and Big Mac got a hamburger, I wanted to throw up when he'd ordered. I'm a vegetarian, I couldn't eat an animal.

We ate our food quietly. "This isn't going anywhere," I thought. My hopes on this date helping me decide were rightfully placed. I knew then that I wanted to be with Discord. I'd have Spike write a letter to Princess Celestia, maybe she'd tell him to see me.

After we ate, Big Mac walked me home. Once at my house, we said our goodbyes and he left.

~Big Mac POV~

The date was a complete flop. I had known Fluttershy was shy, but I didn't think she'd be that shy. I sighed, knowing that we weren't going forward.

After I got back to the farm, I went inside. AJ saw the distressed look on my face and gave me a look as if to say are you alright. I walked to my room, with her following me.

Once in my room,I threw the bowtie off feeling slightly ridiculous and flopped down on my bed. AJ came and sat down beside me.

"Is there anything wrong Mac?" AJ asked, concerned.

"The date didn' go very well. Neither one of us talked much." I replied, looking into my sister's eyes. AJ was sorry for me, but at the same time there was a "I knew it wouldn't work out" look about her.

AJ got up, "Ah am gonna go talk to her," She walked out of the room.


I ran to Fluttershy's. I had thought it wouldn't work for the two ponies, but it couldn't have been as bad as Mac was portraying it.

Big Mac hadn't had many girlfriends. The ones he did have they just didn't work out for him. Mac has been on a lot of dates but he always comes back disappointed.

I wanted to talk to Fluttershy and hear what she had to say. When I reached Fluttershy's cottage I knowcked on the door. Almost instantly she answered.

"Can ah talk to ya?"

~Fluttershy POV~

I invited AJ in and she went and sat down on the couch. I sat down next to her.

"How do ya feel about how the date went?" She asked, her voice was laced with understanding.

"It was nice but I don't feel like it'll go anywhere. I'm just too shy to make conversation and he's too quiet. I think it wouldn't work out well." I said, my voice was quiet but filled with a stern tone. Almost as if I didn't want it to work.

"Honestly Fluttershy, I didn't think it would've worked anyways." AJ got up, "Thanks for talking to me Fluttershy," She went to the door and left.

After AJ left, I ran to Twilight's library. I knocked softly on the door, and Spike answered.

"Oh, Hi Fluttershy, Twilight isn't here right now," Spike said, behind the half open door.

"That's perfect Spike. Can you help me write a letter to Princess Celestia?" I asked smiling. Everything was working out perfectly.

Spikr nodded and let me in.

Big Mac? Or Discord? (Fluttercord/Fluttermac Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now