Chapter 13: Conflict

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~Rainbow Dash POV~

I was out flying to stretch my wings. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining bright thanks to Celestia and there was not a single cloud in the sky. Flying over Fluttershy's house I heard loud crying. Quickly I flew down and landed in front of her door.

I opened it only to see Discofd trying to counsel a crying Fluttershy. Instantly I thought he's hurt her.

"What did you do Discord?" I demanded looking him straight in his mismatched eyes. A growl was building my chest.

"Rainbow Dash if you'd let me explain," He started to say.

"I don't care Discord," I interrupted. Nopony made Fluttershy cry. NOPONY.

"RAINBOW DASH!!" Fluttershy yelled, actually yelled, "Let Discord explain." She was sniffling.

My ears flattened but she continued to talk. Though it was quiter she atill had an authoritive tone.

"The ONLY thing he did was make me happy. I'm not crying from sadness.

"What happened then?" I asked tentatively. Discord looked at Fluttershy who nodded.

"Well if you really must know. I confessed my feelings for Fluttershy a few days ago," My eyes went wide with shock and once seeing my expression Discord chuckled, "Well after a few days she came to realize her feelings for me too."

I was utterly shocked. Fluttershy and Discord? A kind, gentle pony with the Lord of Chaos who almost succeeded in taking over Equestria? It just couldn't work.

"Dash, do you remember what Princess Cadence said about true love?" Fluttershy spoke up. I looked into her eyes and saw the love and excitement that Discord gave her. I stood thinking for a moment then shook my head.

"She said that two ponies were in love, true love, their hearts would beat together." Fluttershy said blushing deeply.

"What that got to do with anything?" I cocked my head to the side, seriously confused.

"What caused Fluttershy to cry was when I kissed her we felt out hearts beating together." Discord said and smiled. Nuzzling Fluttershy he pulled her closer causing her red blush to darken even more.

My head was spinning. Not only was it farfetched for them to even like eachother but true love? I couldnt think straight. Also realizing that Fluttershy was crying from happiness made me feel terrible about accusing Discord so fast.

Fluttershy pulled away from Discord and walked up to me and put a hoof on my shoulder.

"Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie Promise that you won't tell anypony about our relationship. Not even ourcriends. We were planning on telling everypony tonight at supper," Fluttershy handed me an invitation. Then continued, "Could you give these to our other friends? Twilight's in Canterlot but we've already sent her one," Fluttershy handed me four more invitations and smiled.

I nodded, it was a way I could repay for being such a complete idiot. I thought of Fluttershy and Discord then my thoughts went to my own crush.

My crush was a mare. Her blonde hair shone in the sun and was always in a ponytail. Her coat was a tantilizing orange. I sighed, deep in thought. I smiled, deciding to tell AJ my feelings. I flew towards Sweet Apple Acres to deliver even more important news.

--------Author's Note--------

Hey! I'm sorry I haven't been posting much! If not for @kaykay2781 I probablt wouldn't have continued this story. Me being lazy and all. Anyways I'll be posting alot more :) Thanks for reading! Please follow, vote and comment!

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