Chapter 5: Feelings

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---Author's Note---

Hey!! Just so you know I'm on Instagram too! If you want to follow me my user is _sc00taloo_  !! Also please vote in the comments for my next fanfic ship!! AppleDash, Or RariJack! Please Follow, Comment and Vote!! Thanks!!


---Fluttershy POV---

I didn't know what to say. Discord thinks he loves me. He is handsome, and sweet to me, but I'm not sure.

I looked Discord in his eyes. He looked so sincere, my heart started to beat faster at how close we were.

I've never thought that the reason why I stood up for him against my friends was because that I might have feelings for him.

I looked away, my head was swimming with thoughts. Big Mac? Or Discord? Aj's brother? Or the Lord of Chaos?

Discord looked at me, I could see the love for me in his eyes.

"Fluttershy? Are you alright, my dear?" He asked quietly, he seemed worried.

"Yes, I'm fine," I said smiling, "Do you think maybe you could.. uhm.. let me go so I can make us some lunch?"

Discord immediately released me, "Of course," I walked towards the kitchen.

---Discord POV---

I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. There was rustling in the kitchen, and suddenly a loud crash. I ran into the kitchen and saw that a dish had fallen and broke.

Fluttershy looked up at me. My heart swelled with happiness.

"Fluttershy, I'll clean this up," I said and went to get the broom.

"But Discord you're my guest, and guests shouldn't have to clean up." Fluttershy quietly replied.

"Oh come, come now Fluttershy, it's ok. I can clean up a mess," I replied, using a slightly stern tone, but it was gentle. I didn't was to upset the beautiful pegasus.

Fluttershy sighed, but nodded. I picked up the broom and swept up the broken dish.

Putting the pieces into the trash I heard Fluttershy quietly humming to herself.

Chuckling, I went and stood beside her, and watched her prepare lunch.

---Fluttershy POV---

I wanted to get my thoughts figured out. Looking at my hoof I realized that I was shaking.

I silently sighed, getting a dish. My hoof was shaking so badly that I dropped it. Discord came in and saw it.

Discord wanted to clean it up, but me being the hostess that I am I politely said that he shouldn't. After all, he was my guest.

Discord wouldn't take no for an answer so I gave in.

I went back to making the sandwiches. I went to grab the plates again, but stopped myself.

"I don't want to break another plate, Discord would you..?" I asked my guest, and possibly my other crush?

"Of course, my dear," Discord said and walked to the cabinet and brought out two plates.

I thanked him and put the sandwiches on the plates. We walked out to the living room and sat on the sofa.

We made small talk for the time we were eating the sandwiches. Afterwards, I went to wash the dishes.

Thinking to myself, I thought about my feelings. Did I really like Discord? I looked into the living room and saw him asleep.

I giggled and went back to washing my dishes.

Yes, I do like him. I thought.

Oh dear, what am I going to do?

Big Mac? Or Discord? (Fluttercord/Fluttermac Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now