Chapter 11: CRASH, BOOM

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~Fluttershy POV~

I tensed up, but relaxed quickly. It felt good to finally kiss Discord. I had a smile on my face when he pulled away. I realized that he'd never given me an answer.

"So is that a yes?" I asked, looking up into Discord's eyes.

He chuckled, "Of course, Fluttershy,"

I smiled, a light blush on my face. I'd made up my mind and it felt so...right. I looked at the clock and saw it was nine o'clock.

"Discord, would you want to stay here tonight? It's getting late," I asked, I didn't want him to go yet.

"Only if I won't be imposing, my dear," Discord replied, a smile was on his face. I gave him a small smile, and got off the couch.

We went to the guest room, and Discord went to the bed. Then I went to my own room.

I fell asleep, think about Discord.

~Discord POV~

I was about midnight when I got woken up by a loud crash of thunder. I heard hoovesteps runjing down the hallway and stopped in front of my door.

"Discord, are you awake?" A quiet voice asked me from the darkness.

"Yes, Fluttershy," I stated, wondering what she wanted in the middle of the night.

"I-I was... Wondering if...maybe I could sleep in here tonight?" She asked tentatively, "I'm scared," Another crack of thunder came from outside, and without waiting for an answer Fluttershy ran to the side of my bed and jumped under the covers.

I could feel her trembling, and a wave of compassion went through me. Pulling her close to me I asked, "Are you alright, my dear?"

Fluttershy nodded and scooted closer to me. Chuckling, I looked into the darkness where I thought she was.

"Good night my sweet" I mumbled.

"Good night Discord," Fluttershy said.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Big Mac? Or Discord? (Fluttercord/Fluttermac Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now