Chapter 3: The Start Of Something New

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After her talk with Aj, Fluttershy had gone back to her cottage. She paced around hoping that Aj would go talk to Big Mac and just get it over with. All Fluttershy wanted was to know was what the answer was to her question.

Fluttershy sat down on her couch just as somepony knocked on her door. She quickly got up and ran to the door, her heart full of hope. Opening the door she saw Aj, who had a giant smile on her face.

"Would you like to come in?" Fluttershy asked her friend politely. Aj nodded and went and sat on her friends sofa.

Fluttershy closed the door and sat down next to Aj with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"So.. uhm.. how'd it go?" Fluttershy asked.

Aj looked at her with a grin, "He likes ya too Flutters. He also said that he'd like you to come back with me to Sweet Apple Acres so he could talk to ya."

Fluttershy's heart soared, she was so happy to hear this. She hugged her friend and thanked her over and over again.

Aj laughed and let go of her friend and got off the couch. Fluttershy followed her friend to the door.

Angel Bunny was just about to go through the door and follow her when the door slammed shut. He huffed and went back to his bed.

Aj and Fluttershy didn't really talk much on their way to the farm. They were both so caught up in their thoughts that they almost walked right past Sweet Apple Acres.

Fluttershy got nervous, and Aj could tell.

"Now Flutters don't get nervous 'bout talkin' to my brother. It'll be fine." Aj said in a soothing tone. Fluttershy calmed down.

Then Aj started to lead Fluttershy to the Old Oak Tree where Big Mac was. Once they could see him Aj stopped and started back towards the house. Knowing that her brother wouldn't want her eavesdropping on their conversation.

Fluttershy slowly walked up to where Big Mac was sitting. His coat was glistening in Celestia's sun and his eyes held a thoughtful look.

When she got close enough she practically squeked a "Hello" to him.

---Big Mac POV---

I looked up to see a yellow pegasus standing next to me. Having been so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realize that she had come. Normally I would've been able to hear somepony walking up to me.

"Howdy Fluttershy," I said my voice quivering slightly. How in Equestria was I supposed to tell this mare how I felt for her without making myself sound like a complete idiot.

Fluttershy sat down gracefully and slightly hid her face behind her pink mane.

"So..uh..what did you want to talk to me about?" Her voice was higher than normal, almost at a squek.

"Well, ah wanted to tell ya in person how much ah like ya and why," I put my hoove underneath her chin and made her look up at me.

"Ya are the most stunning mare ah have ever seen. Ya are so graceful and kind that it's almost a crime. When ah see ya, it makes my day. Don't ever dont who ya are, because who ya are is why ah like ya."

Fluttershy's eyes were brimming with tears. Suddenly, she hugged me.

"T-thank you Mac, no one has ever said anything like that to me before."

She started sobbing on my shoulder, I was almost worried. Fluttershy pulled away and wiped the tears off her smiling face.

"Well now that ah said that. Would ya like to go on a date with me?" I asked. I almost fell died from happiness when Fluttershy exclaimed, "Of course!!"

We hugged again and my heart was pounding. I couldn't believe that I almost have a marefriend.

Big Mac? Or Discord? (Fluttercord/Fluttermac Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now