Chapter 15: The Dinner

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~Fluttershy POV~

I kept nervously checking the clock. Discord and I had spent the last few hours preparing for the dinner. We decided to wait until the end of it to tell everypony about our relationship. Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Rarity already knew about it. We still invited them anyways.

Sighing, I sat down on the couch and my stomach was doing flips. Discord senses my stress and sat next to me wrapping his paw around me. I relaxed a little. 

"Dear do quit worrying," Discord said pulling me closer, "Everypony will take it fine."

"I hope so Discord," I smiled at him and Discord kissed me. A light blush developed on my face. I went from never having dates to having a coltfriend. I still wasn't used to it.

When we pulled away I was filled with an overwhelming happiness. It was as if I had found the missing piece in my life.

"I love you Discord," I said without thinking. My blush deepened to a crimson.

"I love you too Flutters," Discord said hugging me. We staying in this position for some time just soaking eachother's warmth.

Discord looked at the time it was about time for all my friends to come over. I mentally double-checked everything. The table was set, and the food was cooked and ready to serve.

I smiled at Discord. I was as Pinkie would say nervicited to tell my friends about my little piece of personal heaven. The complete and total happiness I've found with Discord.

Just then we heard a knock on the door. Discord got up and answered it. All of my friends were there. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and even Spike was there. They all had excited expressions.

"Oh please do come in," Discord said bowing wearing a butler suit which he'd made appear out of nowhere. Typical Discord. They walked in and in the middle of the living room sat a long elegant dining table. One by one they all sat down. Rainbow Dash sat by Applejack. Rarirty sat by Spike Twilight sat by me and I sat by Discord.

They were all talking while Discord and I went and got the food. After we had set the food on the table we took our seats again.

"So what did you two want to tell us?" Spike asked, obviously curiousity had gotten the best of him.

Discord chuckled, "We shall tell you all after we enjoy this meal and your company."

Everypony helped themselves to the food. There was salad and other vegetarian food. I practically demanded it. I could never hurt another innocent creature. While we were eating everypony made small talk about how they've been doing and the things they've been occupying themselves with. when that topic came up Rarity and Spike got quiet. I giggled to myself since I knew what was going on between them.

After everypony had finished eating they all looked at me expectantly. I looked at Discord. We had developed this silent way of talking. If things get to difficult for me to handle Discord will take over for me.

"I know you're all wondering why Fluttershy and I have to tell you. I'm going to put this as simply as possible. Fluttershy and I are dating," Discord paused to gauge the others reactions.

Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash already knew so they just smiled at us. Pinkie Pie was bouncing up and down in her seat saying," Omigosh," over and over again. Applejack was just expressionless.

Rarity spoke up first, "Well I for one am quite happy for you."

Twilight, Dash, and Pinkie Pie nodded in agreement. Applejack just sat there just soaking up everything. Twilight noticed and asked her, "Are you alright Applejack?"

"Yeah, its just that it's alot to take in at once. Ah'm happy for ya'll, it's just that my brother is having a hard time accepting that things couldn't go any further. He's even quieter than before. Ah'm worried about him," Applejack said looking at me.

I squirmed under gaze. I didn't know what to say to her. I looked at the floor and said the only thing that could come to my mind.

"I'm sorry, we're both just to shy to have continued." I said my voice was meek, almost pathetic. Discord looked at me, he knew that wasn't the only reason why I didn't go out with Big Mac.

Applejack nodded, "Ah know. Ah had a feein' that it wouldn't work out between you two. That's why ah mentioned that Discord seemed to like ya."

Applejack finally smiled, "Now look at me spoilin' ya'lls moment. Ah really am happy for ya," She got up and gave me hug. Then Whispered in my ear, "Ah'm sorry. Ah almost ruined your whole night."

"It's ok Applejack," I whispered back and let her go. All of the girls were sitting there awkwardly.

"Well I have to go organize the library. there are some new orders coming in. I'll see you later." Twilight said and got up. Spike followed her reluctantly to the door.

"Bye girls! Oh, and Discord!" twilight exclaimed as they walked out of the door.

Slowly everypony left. Applejack was the last one to go and formally apologized to Discord who thankfully just shrugged it off. After she left, Discord and I spent the majority of the night cleaing everything up. Then we sat on the couch to relax.

"That went better than I thought it would. Even with the minor bump in the road," Discord said pulling me close and wrapping his paw around me.

"I agree," I leaned into him. Discord then re-positioned us to where we were laying down. Within moments, we both had fallen asleep.

__________Author"s Note_________

Hey! Just so you know this is the second to last chapter. Yup. that's right. Only one chapter left. Luckily for you I have been working on the sequel!!! It's called "Fluttercord: Forging a new Life" Anyhow I'm out!

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