April 29th 2018 10:29 am "Plot Progresson and All"

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i'm going to be honest, i thought that at least either the first or the second update since i've been back would be all sentimental or something like that. like i'd be crying while making it and all that but so far that has yet to happen. and it's not happening now.
so i'm stuck at a point i one of my books. i can't say anything about it, major spolers and all that, and i do mean MAJOR spoilers. see, all caps, really bad things if i were to talk about it. the reason i can't talk about it is because its book 4, and a whole bunch of stuff happens in book 3 that i can't talk about. i really can only talk about book 1. on that note, heres book 5 prolouge. i'm kidding. i don't even have book 5's prolouge. it has yet to be created.
anyway, i do have some, ah poop, of course this song. Downhill by Lincoln. always makes me cry. because its a sad song, and i can relate to it, and honestly, i don't want to relate to it, but i do, and i don't really want to. and i don't mean like a few lines i mean the entire song. okay so how i learn how to sing songs is if i like it, or i relate to most oor all of the song. how fast i learn the song depends on how much i like the song, or realate to it. so i learned this song in 2 plays, thee fastest i have ever learned a songs lyrics. not kidding. now, Ready, Aim, Fire! by Imagine Dragons is one of my very favorite songs, like number 2 or 3 on my favorite song list, and i learned that in four plays. my all time favorite song, Welcome to the Black Parade, by My Chemical Romance i learned in 5 plays, i was young when i loved it, and i still do. by Downhill, i learned in 2. fastest play ever, but its not one f my favorite songs. i do love the song, but its not on my favorite list. i just realate to the entire song. if you want to know what i'm talkng about and want to know how i trully feel, go listen to the song, for the few of you that read this, Downhill by Lincoln. that is the song, and band.
now, what was i talking about? there we are. booky talky. so how i write a book series, like everyone else, i map it out. this happens in this book, then this happens in this book. but i do some other things. like i'm almost down writing book 1, but i am also writing books 3 and 4, and i haven't even started to write book 2. if anything, books 3 and 4 will be finished faster, and might be realesed in the same year, but no promises. i have the ending of book 3 written, and the begginning of book 4 written. i have somewhere around 7 to 9 main books to write. the Battle of the Pures and the War of the Pures are parts of it, but the next...season, i guess, has yet to be named. i know what i want to do with it, but i don't know how to do it. see, in the first three books you'll be following Kevin Dillis, (don't mind the name. his name has been that ever since i was around 8 or 9, the books are based off the Lego games i used to play with my brothers and sister) and his small adventure and trip into Pure Energy. he fights, he loves, and the entire thing. plot progression and all. you know, i might as well tell you the main good guy and bad guy. the main good guy is, as you probably vould tell, Kevin Dillis (the last name will mean a lot in another book), and the bad guy is Marcus D. Quinn, or Red Scar. Kevin Dillis has blue Pure Energy, and Red Scar has red Pure Energy. what? did you think he had like yellow Pure Energy? if so then his name would be Yellow Scar. i joking. the enitre first few books, the Battle of the Pures series is focused on a single battle, no the three books do not take place in the same battle, the lead up to the battle on the third book. then the next few go onto a war, as for the title War of the Pures. WHYYY!!?? why did i replay this song? i don't want to cry! now i feel like a jerk! ajfadfy;sdljfklfydsliafjds.jfhsiaufsljgfak...sorry, keyboard tantrom. i'm good now, fine, i'll listen to this rap about Until Dawn. i really can't listen to Downhill more than once at a time. sorry, but i'll have to talk about Pure Energy a different time, i...i'm just not feeling it right now....

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