September 23rd 2018 6:03 pm Problems With The Website

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I'm anger so bad right now! You have no idea!
Sorry, just...just the website I was using to watch Naruto Shipppuden on doesn't have any more episodes, and the last one was a filler! Of all things the website to end on was a filler, A FILLER! No, the last episode was not the finale episode. It was not. I went onto another website that has all the episodes, but they are subtitled, not dubbed. Anyway, the episode after the last one was the next episode to start the story up again, like it was not a filler! I am not kidding. So the website I use is okay? Okay. So that is the website I use for watching anime. But now I have to change it. Why? Because the last time they had new episodes for Naruto shippuden was, well, around one to two weeks ago. But the time before that was a long time ago, like a few months. I'm not waiting for a few months to pass just so I can watch ten to twenty more episodes, and stilll have thirty more episodes left in the anime. So right now I'm looking into Vrv and Crunchyroll, both I need money for. Problem is I don't have money, nor do I have a way to get money. So currently I have no way to watch Naruto Shippuden, and then Boruto, dubbed, not subbed. I'm in a Naruto craze right now. But! Oh ho, but but but I am working on getting a job, most likely at McDonalds or Burger Kin-no not that place. Most likely McDonalds or some other place that hires 16 year olds. And when I do get a job I'm fine paying ten dollars a month so I can watch anime. Then there is Spodify, which I have no idea the price for. Then I'm going to save up money so I can pre-order Fallout 76. What I'm going to spend my money on is for the future Kevin to decide. And I have to buy stuff for making the videos for the YouTube. I don't plan on being a YouTuber, but when the time comes and I have a decent amount of subcribers, it will be good for making a bit of side money, and who knows, I might just become a full-time YouTuber, just so I don't have to go someplace everyday like McDonalds for work. And then there will be saving money so when I am old enough I can move out. And some time by then I might be making a few vlogs, all so you can get more emotion out of these Updates. And those will be posted on my YouTube as well, mainly because I can't grab videos from the Tablet's gallery and put them in here. I did a test a while back to try and do that, but they first have to be uploaded to YouTube then they can come over here. Yeah, I jsut tapped it and it asked for pictures or YouTube Videos. So yeah, they will have to be uploaded to YouTube first. Though what type of videos would I make? I just said I'd do vlogs every now and then. I'd most likely play games, do some other things. Play board games with friends, make a random video every now and then. I think I said all of this before, but I don't know. Though most gaming videos will come after I move, reason being so no one can bother me while I'm making them. But where would I move?
Hold it! No, Kevin, just no. You do too much planning already. Let that event come when it is time, no need to rush when you don't even have any money.
Aaanyway, there would be those live stream story making that I said I would do. I know for sure that my first few gaming videos wouldn't be on Minecraft, or Skyrim, or any other game that is over played (I think that is the term for it). I'd probably just play something casual like a new game, or Zelda, or Pokemon, or anoher Nintendo game. Iwill definatly play a Bethesda game. I love Bethesda. They made the new Doom, the new Prey, Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Dishonored 1 and 2. Uh, what other games did they develop. Doesn't matter. I'd do zombies with James and maybe one or two other people. Not bruce, for he just "Plays for fun" as he says. He doesn't play for fun, he is a speedrunner when it comes to zombies. And what I mean by that is that he goes for the highest round as quick as he can. He doesn't care for the easter eggs, he doesn't care for the teamwork, he only cares for himself and the round number (not for any boss zombies, just to know if we are higher than what is current highest round is). And what I mean by he doesn't care for the teamwork is that he plays while litening to comedians or something else. Max volume by the way. He has his whatever-it-is and has his headphones plugged into it and has comedians or music playing in his ears at maximum volume. He doesn't pay attention to anything new that comes up on the TV screen. Like if someone he is playing with goes down he doesn't see the giant orange arrow or the giant green and yellow skull that pops up on the screen when a teamate is downed. He doesn't see it until it's a red arrow or a yellow skull in a red circle. Which mean that that person only has five to one second left until the die for the round. So then that player dies and doesn't come back until the begining of the next round, and they won't have anything except the starter pistol, the weakest gun in zombies. Mainly because it only does ten points of damage, or one point of damage if you get rid of the zero at the end, 'cause that never changes. Oh, and bruce only care for the Mystery Box (gives you a random gun availabe in the map) and Juggernog (gives you more heatlh until you are down) and Double Tap (bullet damage is increase by x2). Not to mention that he is one of the players that goes by highest round ever. Like he will ask you, "Highest round solo?" or "Highest round multiplayer?" well those are the actual was to ask the question. So is Brian, bruce's best friend. They both determin how good you are at zombies by what your highest round was. Yes, this is the most famous of ways to determin how good someone is at zombies. But that isn't the best way. A noob (someone who is new to a game) could have gotten to round 50 on their very first time playing. How? Well they could have haad great luck when it came to the Mystery Box, and the drops that zombies can drop. Or they could have been playing with a pro (or multiple pros) at zombies (someone very good, I know that you knew that but it makes me feel better to tell you something).  Hold on dinner is ready.
7:07 -  7:49
Mashed potatos, corn, and dry and slightly overcooked, but not very overcooked, chiken. And then milk for the drink. That was todays dinner. Now Ia am in the bathroom pooping. You probably didn't want to know that, but now you do.
Anyway back to waht I was saying.
-feel better to tell you something).  Not to mention the many differnt factors that come into play on each map. A lot of maps o have traps that can kill a lot of zombies, other maps are easy, then there are Origins and Der Eisendrache (The Iron Dragon in german). Those two maps have speacial weapons, not the wonder weapons that are no every map. Those two maps have special wonder weapons. Origins has the elemental staffs, and Der Eisndrache has it's bows. Origins has a Ice, Fire, Lighting (NOT Electric), and Wind staffs. Each with their different abilities and damages. And Der Eisendrache has the Viod, Fire, Lighting (hee, Destiny subclasses), and my favorite, the Wolf bow. Each with their different abilites and damages. One for each player. Yes getting these staffs or bows can either be a challenge or a easy way to get a weapon. Dangit, now I want to play zombies! Anyway, the high round system can be easily bypassed. Anyone that is decently good at zombies can play with someone who is a pro at zombies and can get to round 50 and higher. So that is why that way to determin how good someone is at zombies is the stuppidest way. How I determin how people are good at zombies is how they play, that is a rare, yet one of the BEST ways to tell if someone is good at the game or not. To do this method you will have to watch how the other person plays and compare it to your own abilites. Now this way of doing it varyies from person to person, like someone can compair someone elses skills to their own and be all like, "You are very terrible at this game, I've played longer than you and know exactly how to play." or something else. Now things like this can be taken a few different ways. One way is to take it is that the person told you to give up because you will never be as good as them, though you will most likely surpass that person in a week because they are one of the worst players that play that game. Another way to take it as that person is actually a good person that said someething like, "Well that was bad, but you can always get better." and then they teach you some tips and tricks to a game so you can get better at it. Those are the only two ways that come to mind. Anyway, now I tell you how to do this method of determining one's skills in zombies (or any other game). First let's go with how they play, and how you (I) play (for this I will be putting my abilites in Call of Duty Zombies to bruce's). So how bruce plays zombies is he doesn't buy anything and leaves it to someone else to buy all the doors. bruce saves his money for perks and the Mystery Box. Yes, this isn't a bad way to play, but it can screw him over. One way it can screw him over is that he will only buy the wall guns in the first area, which are generaly weak. They cost only 500, which is the second lowest cost of anything, the first lowest is 10, which is Fire Sale (The Mystery Box [I will be refering it to the Box from now on] will cost 10 points, not 950). So he buys a wall gun from the starting room and saves up his money so he can be the first one to get perks and be the only one to buy from the Box (which can move and how long until it moves to the next place after getty a Teddy Bear is unknown to me, but in my experiance it usually moves at the begining of the round after it moves, which can kill someone if it moved to a terrible position on the map.). So while everyone else has like no money, bruce will be sitting on like 3 or 4 thousand points so he can buy what he wants. This is generally one of the worst ways to play in my opinion. See, when you are playing with someone in CoD Zombies it is best to work together, not against each other, and not save up your money and leave everything else to the person your playing with. Red Card, unsportmanship conduct or whatever. Now I play differently. I try to go for power as fast as I can so everyone else that I'm playing with can get setup. Because we need power before anyone can get perks. I only use the starter pistol and I kill with the knife, for maximum points. You get 130 points for a knife kill, the most points you can get for a kill. Anyway, so I build up my points for the expensive doors or I buy as many doors as I can. It takes me the longest to get setup, like get my four perks and all that, but when I do it I never go down. I learn the mechanics of a game fast, but it takes me a while before I use the mechanics of a game to the best of my abilities, or something like that. Anyway, so that is one thing me and bruce play differently. I use my money so everyone else doesn't, and bruce saves up his money and doesn't use it unless if someone found the Box or found power. So our playstyles do kind of match in a way. But bruce's way to play is selfish, where mine is selfless. One day I'll record our way of playing so I can show you so you don't think me as a lier. Now let's move on to how we kill zombies. In the earlier rounds I get the most points I can, which goes well with my playstyle. I shoot a zombie 8 times in the leg, 80 points, then knife them for 130 points. So that is 210 points per zombie, if done correctly. On the higher rounds and knife kills means nothing I go for headshots on zombies, 100 points, the second most points for a zombie kill. Which then agains compliments my playstyle. How bruce kills zombies more insults his playstyle if anything. First round he shoot them four times in the chest then knifes them, for 170 points. Not the best way. besides that way he is wasting ammo on the ealier rounds, to me he is anyway. And on the highter rounds he just kills whatever he sees without asking questions. Which can screw a teamate over. Not kidding. It's happened to me a few times. He killed the zombies that I was training, so then more spawned in front of me, then they corner me, and down me. Causing me to lose all of my perks, then he doesn't revive me. Causing us to lose becuase he didn't know I was down even though I told him twice. The earier rounds insult his playstyles while the later rounds compliment it. Now let's look at how we play. I stay in one area so I can watch all the zombies that come my way. That way I can learn a part of the map much faster, though I already learn maps fast. How bruce plays is that he either travels all around the map killing and looking at the scenery. And all the zombies that follow him can block someone else'sath, causing them to get cornered and go down. Or he stays in one area not paying attention and goes down. Then those zombies flock to the nearest player, and what happens to them depends on how they play. So they can either live or die because of bruce and how he plays. Now let's look at the perks we get. Depending on what map your playing on determines what perks are availiable on that map. So one map could have Tombstone (if you go down you can hold a button to "Feed yourself to the zombies", and when you resawn and the begining of next round you can go over to where you died and pick up a tombstone, which will give you your perks and guns back. When you die and repawn you lose your guns, but when you go own you lose all of your perks.) and another map could not have it. Anyway let's look at the perks bruce gets, Juggernog (gives you more health, a basic), Double Tap (increases bullet damage by x2), Speed Cola (reload guns faster), and Deadshot Daqury (when you aim at a zombie the game aims you to the head of a zombie). Standard loadout. He can take damge and deal it back by like x3 (Headshots do more damage). The perks I get are usually Quick Revive (let's you revive teamates faster), Staminup (run faster or longer, I don't really know), Juggernog (more health), and Mule Kick (let's you hold a third weapon). So I tend to be a Healer rather than a Damage Dealer. My perks compliment my playstyle, so do bruce's perks. Okay so now let's look at how we use our Gobblegums, a Black Ops III mechanic. bruce doesn't use his Gobblegums, he doesn't even look at what other Gobbles he can have equipped. So that is a bad. I use my Gobbles occasionally, really only when I need to use them. I do look at what other Gobles I can equip and I do edit my Gobblegum loadout. I don't use Megas (a Gobblegum that you have to earn by using Liquid Divinum that you can get by buying somethin in-game. You can only use as many Mega Gobbles that you have gotten.), I only use them if I am trying to do an easter egg, which I have yet to do. And we have to look at the number of downs we have when we both die and lose. My number of downs reflects how I play that day. i can play either like someone new to the game, which can lead me to a lot of downs, or I can horse around, leading me to a few downs. Or I can play how I play, which leads me to 1-3 downs on most maps. The most downs I get now are 6 or 7. So let's go with 7. bruce, he only plays one way, and that is his way. He doesn't pay attention to the screen for he is listening or watching something on his Nextbook as it is called. He often sets down the controller so he can go onto the next video. These two things lead him to a normall amount of 5 downs, but that is at the begining of the game. He usually only gets three of his four perks, for he keeps going down after he gets his third, normally. So that would be 2 to 3 downs. So that is a total of 8. Then there are the times when he doesn't have a perk and it is round ten or higher. So lets just say 1 down every other round. So at round twenty he normally has well, 18 to 20 downs. For he does go down a few times in a single round. While I normally have anywhere from 1 to 7 downs at round twenty. I'm being truthful, I swear on my life that I am telling you the truth. The reason we have a different amount of down by this time is because of or differing playstyles. I'm careful when it comes to Zombies, and I keep track of my Zombie Shield, on maps that have it. Then there is when I get a gun I like. So in Black Ops III that would be the ICR, the Dingo, the Dredge 48, and most other guns. I often always have a wonder weapon, so the Ray Gun, Ray Gun Mark II, the Paralizer (Buried), the Wonderwaffe, or the Ray Gun Mark III (Gorod Krovi). All of which I am very good with. Black Ops II is many different, I haven't played that game in a long time so I don't really remember what guns I was good with. Well, I'll never forget the B23R, or the B34R as it is called when Pack-a-Punched (a way to upgrade you weapon, costs 5000, the most expensive buy in the game). Now let's look at the amount of revives in a game. Since I'm normally a Healer in Zombies I have at least 4 or 5 revives by round ten, depending on the map. And by round 20 I almost always have 15 revives. While bruce normally has 0 or 1 revive by round five, 1 or 2 by round ten, and 3 by round 15. Like I said before, bruce doesn't pay attention to the screen and what pops up on it.
So, with that information lets look at the difference in how we play. how bruce kills zombies more insultes his playstyle, mainly on the early rounds, but how he plays on later rounds isn't the best either. He can either kill himself for the lack of learning a map or of learning how to play the game, which he is still doing, he finds a thing every now and then that he didn't know before. Or he can cause another player to go down since he travels around the map looking at the scenery (Do that inbetween rounds, not during one!) And normally only gets three of four perks. Doesn't communicate with teamates, unless if he goes down or is yelling at someone because we said something about him, nothing bad, just a coment on what he was doing in the game. Like jumping up and down for no reason, or shooting the minigun down at the ground instead of helping someone else revive a teamate, alright so that one was bad.
And me. I use my money for the benefit of others, so they can have a better time surviving. I wait until a good round to "Hit the Box" and to get my first perk, which is always Juggernog. I don't travel around the map during a round, I normally stay in one area, but when I do travel I kill most of the zombies that I am training (having the zombies follow you in a line or group, like a train). So that way I won't cause someone to go down. I learn the layout of a map fast so I won't have to do it later. I learn the placements of the Box fast and all perk locations fast. And all buildable locations, if the map has a buildable. I go help a friend when they need it even if it costs me to get downed. I don't use the minigun unless if I have to. I always get four perks, for I do it between or at the end of rounds not during one.
Okay, so let's access this. bruce can learn more about the better ways to play zombies. Like to stop looking at the map in a round. That is a BIG nono. He should pay attention to the TV screen not the small one that should not be on when he is playing with people. When he is alone, which he never is, then thats fine. He could learn how to use the Gobblegums and use them to the best of his abilities, but then again their not for everyone. bruce can learn when not to yell at people for speaking, and when to travel around the map and to learn the map when he plays it, instead of getting lost. He only ever wants to play Nuketown, Kino der Toten, Nacht der toten, Mob of the Dead (only becuase it has a gun that makes him fell like he was in the mafia), and Buried (the EASIEST of all Zombies maps, not kidding. Buried has a lot of ways to get a lot of perks on round one. And it has some of the best camping spots. And a few other things.) bruce doesn't like any of the new maps. He doesn't like Shadows of Evil, only becuase he doesn't know any of the guns in the game, a game he has been playing for years mind you. And the boss zombie, which is the EASIEST boss zombie in my opinion. It is slow, it can only hit things that or right in front of it, and it is easy to train, even when there are more than one of them. Magwa is what the boss zombie is on Shadows of Evil. He doesn't like Der Eisendrache, becuase is has bows, that is the only reason. He doesn't even want to give Zetsubo no shima a try, or Gorod Krovi, or Revelations, or The Giant, OR most of the other Zombies Chronicles maps. Such as Verruckt, Ascension, Shangra-La, or Moon. He doesn't like Origins, only because James and I want to do the easter egg. So in Black Ops III he only wants to play two of the 14 availble maps. And on Black Ops II he only wants to play 3 of the 8 maps (there are 9 maps in Black Ops II Zombies, but we only have 8).
So let's take and observe that information. Really of the many differnt types of playstyles he is one of the worst. He goes down a lot, only care for himself in-game, and he never really helps a teamate. Not good.
Now let's look at how I play. I learn maps quickly so I can be a better help when someone goes down, so I can easily map out the quickest route to them while ignoring all the zombies that they had that will now flock to the nearest player. When I cause someone to go down I help them back up and help them get their perks back. I like most Zombies maps, all but Nuketown. Mainly becuase it is over played by bruce, and that the perks spawn at random rounds, which can screw you over. I love each and every map, and if I were to rank them it would be hard. Anyway, I learn how to use my Gobblegums to the best of my abilities, and I put the other players needs first.
All in all, I'm a better player than bruce. Not to brag. I hate doing that. But how we play is so different. I have much more time playing Zombies than him, and I learn things faster than him, while bruce is relativily new to Zombies. I can tell it in how he plays. He looks around the map looking at it during a round, unlike most experianced players who do it between rounds.
But how he plays is how he plays. I'm not going to force it down his throat that he should shot zombies eight times in the leg then knife. He does want he wants, and that is fine with me. I play how I play, even if that is not fine with bruce.
To be honest the only reason I wrote that last part of this Update is becuase I'm procrastinating. I don't want to look through most of my first Pure Energy book, though I know I have to by the end of this month, though the middle of this month would be better.
Oh and one more thing. A while ago, when I was on the toilet pooping I said that I wanted to play Zombies. Well that was most of a single sentance. See, at the time I had Jannessa in my mind, she just popped in and stayed there for a bit. And so when I said that I wanted to play Zombies, I more ment that I wanted to play Zombies with her. I haven't had the ability to teach someone how to play any game really, and one of the things that I really want to do is teach someone how to play a game I love, such as Zombies. But I more just want to spend time with her. Even in my book I have stated it more than enough times. In my freetime I often think of things that we could do together. Like play games, talk, do other things that are minor friend activities, maybe even watch someting together, hehe, of course I would jump to Naruto. Don't get me wrong, I really do like Jannessa, but I know that she would never be interested in me. Or that's just something I've been telling myself so I would get over her. I don't really know. I don't know if she would ever like me, or if she already does. All that is a mystery. While I'm here, talking to you every other day. Giving you everything that I am. Telling you what I am. And what I would like to be. I don't know much about her. A thought that I have had recently is, "I wonder what Jannessa wants to be." and I have yet to ask her, mainly becuase I'm too shy to ask things like that. And part of me says that I shouldn't know. I do want to know what she would like to be, so I could help her in any way possible. Again, I don't really know much about her, I hardly know if she even likes me, as a friend. As anything really. She said that she believes that I can make something great. Such as my books. She believes in me that I can make something great. Right now that is the only thing that is driving me forwards, to this goal I've cut in cardboard. I really like her, and I want to spend everyday with her. But, I don't know if she feels the same. All of me wants to be with her. All of me loves her. And yet, I hardly know her. This Update started at 6:03 and began with Naruto. It has 5000 word in it, and has ended at 11:23 on Jannessa and how I would really want to be with her. I don't want to force it, I don't want her to feel pity for me and like me that way. Everyday I see a picture of us together in my head. But that is just me being me. I love her and I want to be with her, yet I feel like she doesn't like me and doesn't want to be with me. Which is fine, I suppose. Jannessa does what she wants to do. Even if it means that she doesn't like me the way I like her. It's just how this world works. I've made myself sad by my own philosophy. Hehe, it's just what it is. Sorry to cut this short, but my tablet is running low on battery and my hands are cold. But I have to go, bye and good night, or good morning, or good evening, whatever you choose.

Oh and one more thing before you go. Netflix "added" new episodes to Naruto. I say that the way I did becuase they didn't add antyhing. They split the 3 seasons into halves, so they have 6 seasons that are made of the 3 seasons that they had before. Just thought you should know.
Hee, I'd give anything to watch Naruto with Jannessa.

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