November 11th 2018 4:55 pm

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In two days I will post a video. Don't worry. I'm not going to be mainly YouTube. I will still do a lot more writing. I don't plan to do YouTube as my main job, though in time it may come to that. Currently the only reasons my channel on YouTube will exist is more money reasons, and to get word out for when I write and publish a book. The more people I tell, the more people will read it. So YouTube is part of my stratagy to get word out. Though it will take a lot of time, time that I will wait to pass. I've been thinking. I think the first video will be either Titanfall 2 (because I love it), CoD Zombies (why not?), Doom (I have yet to finish it), and Kingdom Hearts (I have yet to finish it). Those are the only things that I want to play really. I could do Minecraft, but I want to wait for a bit before I play Minecraft.
Anyway, so the offical schedule is Tuesdays and Thurdays for videos. Which means I record on Mondays and Wednesdays, edit late Monday/Wednesday nights and early Tueday/Thurday mornings. Then post sometime between 4 - 6 pm. That is my schedule. I plan to write on Saturdays and Sundays. I get Fridays off. Wee. Anyway, if I were to start doing DnD videos I would probably film that Wednesday night, for Mah wouldn't be home so we wouldn't have to be quiet. Though I would need at least some kind of filming equipment for it to look well. And I don't mean tablet cameras. I mean something like GoPro cameras, for those are good, small, and easy to handle, and easily set up so we wouldn't have to hold it. In time (when we started getting money) we would be able to afford expensive equipment, such as better cameras, and proper minefigures and not legos, and a book or two, and dice, I always need more dice.
But all in due time. Besdies, in time I will be able to do all that and more. And be better at making videos and editing them. And faster.
Anyway, so currently the offical schedule is videos on Tuesdays and Thursdays somewhere between 4 and 6 pm. Writing for my books will be on Satudays and Sundays, Fridays off. Myabe play DnD on some of those days. Really as long as I can post a vidoe on Tuesday and Thurdays I will be fine doing something else on those days.
I'm anxious. This can majorly fail terribly, or be a large success. I don't know, there is no way for me to know. If this fails horribly I will have just wasted my time. But if this succeeds majorly I could lose all my time in trying to make better videos or a third video in a week. I will be editing my videos myself so unless I have at least an hour long recording session, or hour and 20 minutes. Then edit those two videos in the same night. It is doable, but I just don't want to do it. I was making a few testing videos the other day and I had problems, so right now one video a day is good enough for me, well two videos a week is perfect for me at this time. In the future I would be able to do 3 or 4 videos a week. One on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. If it was three it'd be a video on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Anyway, so yeah. That is currently my plan for YouTube, right now anyway. Again, I don't plan to make YouTube my main thing, nor will I try to make it that. Writing is my thing, storytelling is my thing. Even though doing YouTube would be telling my story, or telling someone elses story to you and everyone else that will watch my channel. Of course when I publish a book, here, or as a hardcopy, or paperback, book. I'd make a small video of it on my channel. Explain it a bit, maybe even read the Prolouge in the video. That is a possibility of what I can do. And to think that the first one of those will be in a few short weeks. So really, unless if I set the book back for a third time, and I don't want to do that. That is bad.
Just thought I should share that with you.
"Anyway, I was your host, a StolenGiant, I hope you have a good evening, night, or morning, whenever your watching this. I hope you a good one, and I will see you next time, farewell."

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