May 27th 2018 7:15 pm

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A second update in a day, haven't done that in a while. Anyway. So I was thinking about another book of mne, Hacker's Delight, is it's working title. It goes into my Pure Energy universe. So it follows a man named, I don't remember, something that started with J. They were male, I know that. Basically he is a reporter for this new and failing newspaper. The main character knows what he needs to do to save the newspaper, he needs to get into the hacker group, which I don't have the name of yet, and find what out what they know. If anything it would be a great story. So he pitches it to his boss, who agrees with his idea. So the main character goes out looking for the hacker group, and obviously he finds it, I mean, what is a book's plot without the obvious happening, something, its something. So he lies to the people in the hacker group that he is a new hacker and wants to train to be a better one, or something like that. So they accept him in, because his other skills are needed. Researching things and digging other peoples minds. I mean the leader of the group knows his name and his face. So his lie slightly works. During his time with the hacker group he finds broken families and broken people, who want to break into Leaf Technologies to find out why people were taken from them. Our main character gets himself into somthing greater than what he thought he'd get into. He knows that if he makes a story about this that all of those in the hacker group would get arrested, or even worse. So now he must chose between the life he thought he knew, and a fake lie that he tries to believe. But which life is which?
how about that? Seems like a goodd book? I don't know. I got the idea for the book while playing Watch Dogs. A game about hacking. Which it is acctully a really good game. Goes up into my top 10 favorite games. Along with Bioshock, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Wind Waker (The Legend of Zelda). So that is 5 out of 10, halfway there! Yeah! Now I just need to, Oddword Stranger's Wrath! 6 out of 10 4 more to go!
Anyway, I think dinner is being served. I'll be back!
Okay I'm back, after what 15 minutes. Pork and something green. I eat my vegies, really I like all greens. I think what I ate was spinach. Yeah it was spinach, and no I don't know how to spell it. PRobably put an R in there, somewhere. Like after the H, maybe? Spinachr. No not there. I'm kidding. Aslo in an earier update, one that I was doing math when I was watching Naruto, I realized that I did my math wrong. 52 times 4 is not 220, it's 208. It would have to be 55 to be 220. So yeah, that's that fixed. See, that is why you go to school, so you can math right.
Okay, I am getting way off topic. I started ou with what I wanted to say, then I went to my favorite games. Then to what was for dinner, than math. That's just most of these updates in a nutsheel. Heheh. Okay, so what I was origiannly going to say is that I was thinking about getting rid of the subnames of my books. Like Faint Destiny in my first Battle of the Pures book. But how else would yyou know that that is the firs book, and yes that was the write way to type. It was not a typo, like I used to think. Well, I could just put a 1 or a 2 in the title, but that is boring. I don't just want to do that. Okay, I'm going to do that if I don't make a subtitle for the second book. I have one for the first and third books. Faint Destiny for number 1 and End Battle for 3. Just the second one doesn't have one yet. Mainly becuase I have the the entire first book, and the skeleton of the third one. I have a few parts of the second one, mainly the beginning, I always do that. Write beginning with an extra G, begginning. I don't know why I started writing it like that, but I do, and I fix it. getting off topic again. See, that's why I like writing in this thingy majig. I start out with a plan on what I'm going to say, then I get off topic, making these get longer, and honestly sometimes more depressing.
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Okay, now I'm slightly crying. Dangit me, why do I do this.

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