August 12th 2018 10:23 am

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Note to self: Don't do a Heroic Strike until I have a good Light Level
Sorry, I'm playing Destiny 2 while writing this, well that's what Iget for trying to ge the hero. I went ahead with something that would allow my Fireteam to go on further into the Strike, but I died a horrific death. Nothing like two Ogers and a whole lota Hive to kill me. Anyway, take that you Sauron looking creep! Sorry, just killed a Hive boss. It looked like the Eye of Sauon. Iguess you could say it has a good death perception. Heheh. Get it? Becuase I killed it...and it looked like an eye? Never mind about jokes.
Sorry, went through another Strike, this one was Vex, not Hive, so I took it more personaly then the Hive one. Since that time I've taken the Vex more to heart. I focus more when it is Vex and I don't mess around. I take each battle with Vex like it might be my last, in real life. I die less when fighting the Vex as well. I mean, I die less times now then before.... No Vex will ever kill me easily.
Stupid Cabal, always getting in my way. Sorry, was doing a mission. Fallen and Taken don't bother me much. Really they are easy, so are the Cabal, they now have two critical spots. One in the back, one in the head. You dare punch me? I punch you back, with bullets! Sorry, a Fallen just punched me. The Fallen are easy, just annoying. They move fast, but that doesn't mean they can't be hit. Wow, two hours and I spent most of that time playing Destiny. Anyway.
So, earlier I was reading Harry Potter and I thought of a new book idea. It's not done yet, but it is an idea of one. I don't even have nay names yet for the main characters. But I do have a name for the book, well a current name. The Shadow of Adventure. Basically the book follows two people. people that are neighbors. It starts out following the girl, who currently I'm calling Charlie, throughout the story you will mostly follow Charlie, but it will switch from her to the other main character, who I'm currently calling David, their names are only their current names. If I was Osiris the Vex would have died then and their and their would be no need for this expansion. Sorry, I just started the Curse of Osiris expansion for Destiny 2. Anyway, so basically you will follow the two of them as the go through the shadows of adventure. See, David is an orphan. He lost his family when he was three, I don't know what happened yet, but I will figure that out before I start writing it. So anyway, David closes himself off from the world after losing his family. So he loses himself in books to hide himself away from the world. And so it is easy for him to see a book and want to read it instatnly. Charlie on the other hand is not an orphan, she lives with her mother and sister. Her father was abusive both verbally ad physically. Her father left a few weeks after her sister was born, leaving a jobless mother and hurt daughter behind. Charlie does all she can to help her mother, she even cares for her infant sister. Then one day Charlie's neighbors adopts a boy around her age (Both Caharlie and David are 9 years old and in the thrid grade).
I'm hungry. WHOA! FOUR HOURS?! Uhg...I'm sorry. I'm just really hungry. You know what. For the rest of the day I'm going to focus on The Shadows of Adventure. Anyway, time to go eat something. I'm sorry I haven;t eaten anything today, except for a really bad cookie. It had a stale prezel on it and some weird things in it. My stomach is hurting with hunger. Bye!

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