July 4th 2018 1:55 pm Believer

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So I...I just watched a documentry on HBO called Believer. It's about Dan Reynolds (the singer from Imagine Dragons) pursuit for gay people to be accepted bu the church, escpecially from the Murmons.
Now I don't talk much about religion or the church, mainly because that's not where I belong. I don't believe in anything. You say God made us in his image, I'm okay with you saying that. You say that aliens bred us onto this planet and left us here for an experiment, then okay. If you say that there is a rationable way to explain why humans exist through science, the I'm alright with you thinking that. I'm not really sure how many people are like me in this world. People that just accept we are here on Earth and just leave it at that, they don't believe in any thoery why we're here, or any kind of form of god. To me, we are here on this planet in this univerese, nothing else. If there is a God, then so be it, if science did make us, then so be it. If aliens put us here so they can study us, then so be it. I do not care.
Now that does not mean I'm saying your wasting your time by going to church every week or studying the stars for 80 hours straight. I'm saying you believe in waht you want to believe in. Yes there have been times when I had wished that for just one day people were to just stop believeing in God and aliens, but I didn't argue. Sure back then there was one of me that did, but I silenced that voice, and it is never to speak again. One of those times was in October of last year, the 18th. A night I will never forget. A night that was both bad and good. Sure, for that night I do wish that they would forget what they were going to do. A selfish part of me still wishes that they just forget everything and only care for me. A selfish part of me that I've been trying to silence. It's a small part, but a part full of rage and hatred to the world. Most of me is filled with rage and hatred, and yet here I am. Talking calmly to myself as I write this update. Quietly reading the words that I write. Sure, for my happiness it would have been great if they forgot their thing that day, but at the same time I'm happy they didn't. I am happy that they did not forget what they said they were going to do.
Anyway back to the original subject. I just watched a documentry on HBO called Believer. It's about Dan Reynolds (the singer from Imagine Dragons) pursuit for gay people to be accepted bu the church, escpecially from the Murmons. And his journey to make the festival Love Loud a possible thing. I really do suggest this documentry to you if you have HBO. Its really good, and it really means something. And if you don't support gay people then you should watch it. I'm not saying that it will change your mind. But if you do watch it it might make you relize that gay people should not be looked down upon by you that believe in the church.  It might just clear up your mind.
At the end of the documentry I thought of something. A long while ago I was told that the sond Believer was a song that would have made them think of me. I don't know why, and I should probably ask, though the answer is probably "I forgot." or something like that. I now want to know why that song made them think of me. At that time I was quiet who my favorite band was. Mainly becuase no one asked and I thought it to be information that was not needed. But by now you might know that my favorite band is Imagine Dragons, who made the song Believer. I'm sure now that a new song would have taken that one's place of being a song that would make her think of me. Probably a depressing one. I don't know.
"Who are talking about and what song would make me think of them?" You might be asking. Well once again I'm talking about Jannessa. And a song that would make me think of her. Well at that time it was Everything Good by Ashes Remain. I don't really know. It might stay the same, or it might have changed to another song by the same band, or another song by another band. It could be Next To Me by Imagine Dragons. Or it could be Halo by Starset. I don't know. I need to gain acess to my Spotify playlist. When I do and after I listen to everysong on it I'll get back to that question.
I'm not much of a believer. I hardly believe in myself. But for what I do believe in, I'll believe in it far past my death.

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