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~Three days in counting~

I knocked thrice on the door before waiting patiently. The door opened, revealing Charles with a smile on his face. "Hiya baby."  Lee greeted, kissing me softly. I smiled and kissed back without hesitation. Charles' hand moved underneath my chin, forcing me to stay engaged within the kiss, not allowing it to get sloppy.

Charlie pulled back with a smirk on his face. "Do you want to have some fun~? Sam isn't home."  I felt my face heat up. "That's very kind of you! But uh... I don't think I'm ready, I just think I should really have a connection with my first time, y'know?" I pleaded, staring at the ground.
Charles just groaned and turned around, walking back into his house. I followed suit and fiddled with my shirt.

He hates you. He doesn't want you because he needs the sex. Why can't you just roll with this? Why can't you just—stop it! No! not okay!

I shoved a pill into my mouth and swallowed it dry. "So, wada ya wanna do if you don't want to fuck?" he asked, sounding obviously agitated. "Uh... Movies, I guess." Lee sighed and shrugged. "Whatever."

~One week in counting~

I pulled my shoes on whilst waiting for Alexander. "Alex! Hurry up! I swear, if Charles gets here and you aren't ready I am going to leave without you!" I shouted through the house. Alexander came running, fully dressed and damn did he look fine—stop thinking like that, you have a boyfriend, and you love him.

Alexander nodded. "I'm right here Aaron. I'm interested to meet this man of yours." Alex teased before opening the door. "Lovely to meet you. My name is Hamilton. I'm Aaron's roommate." Alexander held his hand out for Lee to shake, which he did. "Hey, baby." I waved nervously from behind Alexander. "C'mon, we'll be late." Charles beckoned and walked us to his car.

"So, Sam is in the backseat. I just made him move though." I nodded. Talk less, smile more. It's not a problem, Aaron. That's his best friend and roommate, of course he brought him, he doesn't ditch you for nothing. 
You're not good enough. You know that the second Charles gets in your pants he's obviously going to drop you, right? Yeah, ration with that thought now, because it's going to be lingering over you until the day the two of you finally buckle down and have meaningless sex, that will ultimately result in a breakup.

The attempts to get rid of these thoughts grew difficult; I stopped trying. At this point I was in the car, not paying attention to everyone else. "Aaron, you doing alright?" Alexander whispered over to me from the backseat. I nodded and pulled my phone out.

Lee doesn't know that I have ADD and PD

Could you maybe hold off on telling him?

Aaron! This shit is essential to your health! If Charles doesn't know about your pill schedule, you'll fuck around and have a panic attack while we're out. I'll just pull you to the side at the bar, and then I'll give you your afternoon dosage, sound good?

Sure just don't make it noticeable

The rest of the car ride was fairly simple; nothing happened really. Shit hit the fan at the bar. It had been a solid- What? Two hours since we have gotten there and I wasn't drinking much, obviously, otherwise, how would you be receiving this commentary?

Anyway, Alexander decided that if I wasn't drinking, he wasn't drinking anymore than me. Little did I know he didn't have a very large threshold for alcohol.

I had done two shots and stopped after, I knew it would fuck with my pills, so, of course, I couldn't do more than about three shots per outing.

Alexander nudged me. "Let me talk to you on the side, Aaron." He whispered to me. I nodded and stood up, followed by Alexander. "Where are you guys going?" Hercules asked while sliding a shot glass across the table. "Nowhere, just to get another round, plus, I want to talk to Aaron, alone." The two of us walked up to the bar.

Alexander P.O.V.

Okay, yeah, I'll admit it; I've fallen for my roommate. Guilty as charged, he wasn't really anyone's friend but it was satisfying to know that he was mine. It truthfully hurt me to see him in a relationship, don't get me wrong, I want my best friend to be happy, but... It's really difficult to do that when I have a thing for him.

Anyway, back to present, I didn't just want to whip it out and be like "HEYYYYYYYY" and just hand it to him, so, we had to wait. Aaron ordered himself a water, this seemed like the perfect time, so I of course handed him a pill. Aaron hesitated but stared me dead in the eye while taking the pill with the water. Aaron put the empty glass down. "Alexander, let me buy you a drink." Aaron offered.

I didn't want him wasting his money on me. "No, I'm alright, unless you permit me to buy you a drink as well, I'll pass up your offer, though I appreciate it." Aaron put his hand around my shoulder. "One more shot, alright?  I can't have you messing your liver up with the meds and alcohol." I gave in. Aaron nodded. "Alright, just let me pay you back for half of it?" I put my hand on his chest. "I don't want your money, I'll come through for you. Keep it, I'll buy our last round, okay?" Aaron's face heated up. "A-alright..."

After I had ordered another round of shots, I felt my phone vibrate. I took my phone out and saw a weather forecast for rain. "No, no, no, no, no..." I started mumbling to myself before putting my phone back. "Aaron, we've got to head back home." I demanded. Aaron nodded and picked up all eight shots. "I'm giving these to your drunk crew though." I giggled lightly and nodded.

The two of us walked to the table and Aaron put the glasses down. "Hey, guys Alex and I better get going, I'm getting really tired." I smiled and nodded. "I'm ordering a Lyft car, I'll be outside." I excused myself.

"Wait!" Laurens interrupted. "Do you want to... I don't know, get dinner some time?" he asked timidly. "John, maybe another time, I have to get home right now." John nodded.

~Really short time skip~

I sat in the car, staring out of the window as the rain started falling. This only intensified my anxiety, so I look away and tried to steady my breathing.

Burr P.O.V.

I watched as Alexander struggled clearly to fight back a panic attack. I didn't know how to comfort people. This posed as a problem, obviously, because I needed to help my only friend.

I rubbed Alexander's back until we arrived at the house. The two of us walked in just in time for the storm to get worse. A crash of thunder shaking both us up, neither of us having expected it. Alexander sat on the floor and started to hyprovenilate. I sat next to him and pulled him into an embrace, as I said before I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO IN THESE SITUATIONS!

I placed one hand on his cheek and the other around his body. "Shh, Alexander, i-it's okay. I'm here. Don't worry Alex."

Alexander started crying, something I'd never thought to see. I tightened my grip on him, yet again unsure how to handle other people's issues. I wiped his face.

"It's gonna be okay, just listen to me Alex.." Alexander was definitely not listening to me. I didn't know what to do, I figured I had done something right when Alexander pushed himself closer to me. "Alex, I'm here to help you, don't worry..." I stared to panic, he wasn't calming down and I was out of ideas, I lost control of my actions, I let my feelings take charge and...

I kissed him.

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