A boyfriend, control, and actual love... This week is just going great for me.
My eyes fluttered open as I realized where I was and who I was with. I smiled, seeing a sleeping Alexander. I enjoyed the moment, examining his features, his feminine jaw line, his somehow flawless skin, his smooth, soft black hair, his cartalige piercing, the star, the double piercing, the simple silver stud, and the obvious first piercing, the simple golden piercing. I smiled, looking at his eyes, his soft yet masculine features.
Suddenly, Alexander's eyes fluttered open, making me scramble, trying to figure out how to get out of this situation. Alexander's eyes opened, I looked at his shimmery blue eyes. I blushed deeply. "Aaron..?" I bit my lip and looked away. "Oh yeah. I forgot you slept in here last night." I nodded. "We have classes today, Alex. I want to talk to you later." He nodded. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too." I mumbled. He giggled and kissed my cheek. I peppered Alexander with kisses, making him giggle underneath me, I smiled paused briefly. "Hun, let's go to class." I reminded him. He nodded.
~Time skip~
I checked my phone, looking at the time for my medication. "Aaron, hey, you can slip out during class to take your pills, I'll go with you but leave first, then you head out second, good?" I shook my head. "I can deal Alexander, I promise. I can just go head to the water fountain and take my pills, it'll be fine." Alexander nodded. "Okay..."
I stepped into the room, taking a seat. Alexander walked up to the teacher, said something, and then sat down next to me.
"Alexander, you seem nervous." Alexander shook his head and smiled. "I just want to make sure you take your medication." I sighed. "Hold on." I stood up and walked over to our professor.
"Hey, I know I'm put down for medication at two P.M. but I was wondering if my partner could come with me. He's nervous about me missing my dosage." The man nodded. "Sounds fine, you're dating my son, correct?" He asked, pointing to Alexander. "Your son?" The man nodded.
"I adopted him when he was seventeen. Brilliant young man, works too much. He treat you nicely?" I nodded. "You treat him nicely?" I nodded once again. "Good, but yes, Alexander can go with you to take your meds." I nodded. "Thank you, sir." I turned around to walk away.
"Wait." I turned around. "Hm?" "Call me dad or... Father in law or... I don't know, George. Something informal, please." I nodded. "Sure, can do." I sat back down. "You can come with me." Alexander smiled. "Really?" I nodded. "Your dad seem to take a liking to me." Alex's eyes widened.
~Time skip~
I walked into my dorm room, sitting on the couch and opening my phone, one notification catching my eye. "No...this can't be happening- No... This isn't really happening..." I stared at the notification. Alexander sat next to me, putting an arm around me. "What's up?" Alex asked. I unlocked my phone opening the voicemail, hearing a familiar voice.
"How's my favorite faggot doing? Hm? Well, call me back. Yes, it's me, and guess who I just made friends with, Aaron."
"Hey asshole!"
I turned my phone off. How did Johnathan get a hold of Lee and Seabury? No, god no... "Who was the first guy?" Alexander asked. I gulped. "J-Johnathan." Alexander inhaled sharply through his teeth. "Hey, I won't let them hurt you, you have me and Washington on your side. You've got it all down and packed." I nodded. "Promise?" Alexander nodded and kissed my cheek. "Promise, Honey. C'mon, let's go lay down. We can talk about what you wanted to." I nodded, slightly afraid to talk about what I wanted to.
Once the two of us were laying in bed, Alexander's hand on my chest and his leg on top of mine. "So what did you want to talk about?" I gulped. "I think I'm ready." Alex nodded. "Who do you have your eyes on for you first time with a boy?" I sighed. "You." Alexander seemed shocked. "Y'know what I think would be great?" Alexander asked, and I shook my head. "You, on top." I swear I was blushing at that point.
"N-no, I would have no clue what to do." "You've been with a woman, that's all you need. I would just be beneath you rather than a girl." I nodded. "You'd have to talk me through it." I added on, trying to talk him out of this. "Alright, just name a time and place." I bit my lip. "I'm very submissive and I told you, you have control over me~" My eyes widened. "I won't do very good though."
"You'll do great, I think you'll be okay." I wrapped an arm around Alexander's torso, trying to be careful not to come on too strong. "Aaron, do you know what I've noticed about you?" I hummed in questioning response. "That you have trouble conveying your affection. You seem really reluctant to kiss me or hug me or anything. What was your past like?" I felt my breathing speed up.
No, no, no, no, no! He can't know about that! He'll think I'm weird and that I'm just using him or something, a lot of ADD patients do it but I could never even imagine doing something so ridiculous! I can't tell him about that.
"Aaron, Aaron, calm down, it's okay, I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were sensitive about that subject."
See, now he thinks I'm weak, nice going Aaron! Just be normal for five goddamn minutes.
"Breathe." Alexander sat me up, and I shook my head. "I-its nothing you did..."
Stop lying to him! He said something that triggered some memories, just tell him the truth for fucks sake and stop being such a pussy for once.
"Aaron, calm down, did you take your medication?" I nodded.
Told you! He thinks you really need those pills. You can't function without them, huh?
"Aaron, Jesus, stay with me, you keep glancing off. Look at me." I did as told. "It's alright, there you go, just keep looking at me, okay?" I nodded. "Talk to me baby, what's wrong?" I shook my head. "Tell me what you're thinking." "Y-You won't love me anymore if I tell you about my life..." Alexander kissed me gently. "Of course I'll still love you, just tell me." I looked away. "Y-You'll think... Y-You won't love me anymore if I tell you about my life..." Alexander kissed me gently. "Of course I'll still love you. Just tell me." I looked away. "Y-You'll think I'm just u-using you..." Alexander smiled. "It doesn't matter to me, are you using me?" I shook my head. "Then tell me." I shook my head. "Y-You won't love me anymore..." "Yes I will, I will always love you. Aaron, you can tell me about yourself."
I looked down. "F-fine..." Alexander held my hands. "My parents both died around the same time, when I was eleven... I was left with nothing and was sent to an orphanage. Nobody liked me there, I couldn't seem to figure out why though. Maybe it's because I was different but... I figured that it was what I was saying, so I stopped talking and there my motto was born; talk less, smile more, don't let them know what you're against or what you're for. My parents' only wish was for me to get through college so now I'm fast tracking because it was... Their dying wish before they passed." I looked at the wall, but, Alexander placed a hand underneath my chin and forced me to look at him. "I still love you. I'm an orphan, my father was Scottish and my... My mother slept around a lot to say the least."
I smiled. "Son of a whore and a Scotsman." Alexander giggled. "Yeah, Alexander Hamilton." I giggled, placing my hand on his cheek. "May I kiss you?" I asked shyly. "Absolutely." I carefully pressed my lips to his, smiling into it. Alexander kissed back, and funny enough, I felt him smile as well. I pulled back slightly, advancing the kiss by licking his lower lip, he opened his mouth like Moses splitting the fuckin' Red Sea; fast and amazing. This was all extremely odd for me; I'd only done this once and trying to remember every word of the Wikihow page was pretty goddamn hard in the moment, all my thoughts slipping away as the kiss got more passionate. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, trying to make sure I was doing this right.
This only lasted a few minutes before the two of us parted, mainly for air. "You...You need to relax Aaron, no need to be so uniform. Just go with it." I nodded and looked away, trying to catch my breath. "I'm sleepy, do you want to rest?" I asked. Alexander nodded. "Let's, My Prince."
I can really get used to this.

Stars Align (Hamburr/Modern AU)✔
FanfictionAlexander Hamilton, new recruit of Princeton college, fair right? Only drawback; his roommate is an introverted, attention deficient, walking panic attack. I suppose things just fall into place, now don't they? EDITOR; @Arandomperson519