Chapter Twelve: Return of an old friend

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    "Hushstar make them stop!"
      Hailpaw was screaming to the top of his lungs. Polo and Sunpaw were beating him up. They were scratching, biting, hissing, and making him gush blood all right.
      "Hushstar!!!!" Hailpaw yelled. He turned to face Sunpaw but Polo pulled him from behind.
     "Tell us why you were here and I will make them stop." Hushstar called to him.
    Hailpaw was screaming so loud it left ringing in Cloudpaw's ears.
      "Well why are you beating such a young cat?"
    There was a voice. She never heard the voice before. She turned around to see a huge Tom. He was wearing a band around his neck. He was. . . a kittypet! He was so unique in his fur coloring. Half of his face was black the other side orange.
   "Kody?" Hushstar gaped. Polo and Sunpaw looked up.
    Hailpaw jumped up and ran to the kittypet. "Help me sir." He cried.
   Polo smirked and hurtled to the kittypet, Kody, purring. "Brother!" He mewed rubbing his head and the kittypet's head together.
    Kody purred along with him. "How you doing little bro?" Kody asked. Polo smiled. "I'm doing fine. I have a best friend Lilacpaw and a second best friend Cloudpaw. Food is great. You should really join the clans." Polo beamed.
   Kody shook his head. "Nah. I like the house folks."
   Polo smirk didn't leave. He shoved his head under Kody and pulled Hailpaw by the tail. "Ah! Help!" Hailpaw cried.
   Kody growled and batted Polo with sheathed claws. "Why are you hurting him?" He asked. "He was trying to hurt my friend, cloudpaw. " Polo said
   Hailpaw looked at Cloudpaw and ran to her.
   His blood stained Cloudpaw's white fur. "I wasn't tell them I wasn't." Hailpaw sobbed.
     "He wasn't try -"
  "I heard their conversation." Fireflame hissed. "He said he can control minds. How do you know he's not controlling her?"
    "Because I can't. I can't use my powers on her." Hailpaw growled. Fireflame looked at him with a glare.
   "Who are you?"
  Kody looked over at Jumpingpaw. Jumpingpaw stared back. "Who are you?" She asked again.
   "I'm Polo's big brother." Kody said. "What?" Jumpingpaw asked. "Here I'll tell you the story."


    Kody watched his mother's second litter play with each other. He knew it was wrong but he has chosen a favorite brother(his mother's littter consist of all boys)
  Polo mewed and tried to fight another brother. Polo was a runt. He was small, frail, and very skinny. He couldn't eat much because the other brothers always pushed him around. Kody was the only cat left from his mother's first litter. The other cats had been sold a long time ago.
    "Kody!" A voice called from the window. Kody recognized that  voice anywhere. He jumped from the table out the window and walked over to the fence where he squeezed out a hole.
    A brown tom sat waiting for him. "What's up, Hushflight?" Kody greeted.
   Hushflight only nodded at him. Then he spoke, "Nothing. What's up with your family?"
    "They're cool. But my little bro Polo isn't getting any bigger. I fear for his life." Kody mewed sighing. "Bring him to the clans." Hushflight suggested.
    "I can't he's a house cat." Kody protested.
    "Kody!" A voice called.
   "My twolegs are calling. I gotta go." Kody mewed.
   He ran back to the house where the door was opened. He ran in purring as he rubbed against his twoleg's legs. Kody ran inside to meet Polo.
   Polo was snuggled against a scratching post. Kody went and put his tail over Polo's nose. Polo mewed and jumped up. "Oh! It's just you Kody." He laughed. Kody nodded and pushed his head with his. "Come on. Let's play."

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It was turning night time. Polo, Mother, and brothers were asleep. Kody could hear the twolegs talking. He only knew few words in twoleg language.
    "Polo . . ."
   Oh! They were talking about Polo. Maybe they were saying good things.
      He walked and peeked his head from the side of the door.
    "Polo is too frail and weak. We'll have to put him down."
    What does put him down mean? Kody thought.
    As if answering his question, the twoleg sighed. "We'll have to kill him."
Kody gasped. No! He thought wearily. They were not going to kill his brother. He ran back to the kits and looked down at Polo. What was he going to do? Then Hushflight's words rang through his ears.   Bring him to the clans.
    Without hesitation he picked Polo by the scruff and began to walk to the cat door. He squeezed through.
   "Kody? Where are you taking me?" Polo asked. "Shush. It'll be okay." Kody said with a muffled voice. He carried him to the forest and followed Hushflight's scent to a clearing.
    He sat Polo down. "Hushflight! Hushflight!" He called. A few cats awoke and came out. Cats hissed at him and growled. "Hushflight!" He called.
      Hushflight pushed between cats until he was in front of  Kody.
   "What are you doing here?" Hushflight asked tilting his head. "My brother. I'm giving him to you. The twolegs are going to kill him." Kody mewed tears welling in his eyes.
     Hushflight looked down at Polo who stared up at him with enormous eyes. "Okay. I'll take him."
     "You're not clan leader!" Reednose snapped. He was the deputy of the clan. "Krestlestar this kit needs us." Hushflight pled.
    Krestlestar looked at Polo. Polo shrank. "Okay. Give him Kinkear. She's nursing her only kit, Lilackit. She should have more than enough milk."
   "I do. Bring him to me. I will take care of him." Kinkear mewed. A brown kit watched from the nursery. Kody led Polo to the nursery where Kinkear nudged her kit to him.
    "Hi I'm Lilackit." The kit mewed. Polo stared at her. "I'm Polo." He mewed. "We can be best friends. I'll share my mother because I'm nice. And I like you." She confirmed. The two kits disappeared in the nursery with Kinkear right behind them.
    Hushflight gave Kody one last Goodbye and Kody left back to his twoleg nest. He had told his mother what he did to Polo and his mother was thankful. Him and Hushflight continued to meet each other until Hushflight became Hushstar.

   "And that's Polo's tale." Kody finished. Cloudpaw's heart warmed at the story. The power of love could save another life even if it meant putting yourself in danger.
    Polo was looking at Kody with warmth. "Well, I didn't expect to come to find you hurting anyone." Kody said. Polo looked at his paws. "I'm sorry." Polo mewed. "If it's alright with Hushflight - I mean Hushstar - I will stay a night." Kody mewed.
    "It's okay. You and your brother need to catch up. Stay as long as you need." Hushstar purred.
   Kody and Hushstar bumped heads together. "Thank you." Kody mewed with joy.
    "Anything for a returning friend." Hushstar purred with love in his eyes.


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